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I turn around and Hero's phone is on the floor. His skin is pale white and it looks like he's not breathing, whatever Carmen told him must have affected him.

"Hero" I call his name and he doesn't move

"HERO," I say louder and he still Doesn't move. I get up from the floor and walk over to him tapping him on the arm, he still doesn't move.

I pick up his phone, I can't still yelling on the other end of the line. I put it up against my ear.


"Hero, what happened," Carmen says.

"It's not Hero it's Josephine, what happened Hero's not taking or moving"

"Elijah stopped breathing, I'm taking him to the hospital tell Hero to snap the fuck out of it" she yells

Oh no

"I'll try to come back to the living and we'll be at the hospital soon," I tell her

"Okay see you soon," she says and hangs up the phone.

If Elijah dies I don't think Hero would be able to handle that especially since he's so young, I only met baby Elijah once but from that one meeting, I already love him because he's a part of Hero. Losing a child is probably so difficult and I would feel for Carmen even if I think she's a crazy bitch.

I look back at Hero and I can see big Fat tears in his eyes that haven't spilled over but there evident, I walk toward him and just hug him and he doesn't react but the collapses in my arms, his tears are soaking my shirt.

"Why Him Jo," he says he's voice shaking with each word.

"I don't know Hero but we have to go to the hospital to be there with him right now," I say to him.

He doesn't verbally respond but I can feel him nod against my chest but doesn't let me go, he lets me go eventually and stands up to his full height, he stares down at me and takes my face in his hands leaning down and kissing me gently.

"I love you," he says.

"I love you more," I say back.

We get out of the baby's room and go to gather our stuff so we can leave the house and get to the hospital as fast as we can. When we arrive at the hospital it was not busy so we just go straight in and take the elevator up to level 4 of the hospital, when we enter level we go straight to the receptionist.

"Hello, how may I help you," the last behind the counter says.

"Hello we're here for Elijah Fiennes Tiffin," I say since Hero still is slightly stuck.

"Ok hold on let me check for the patient"

She goes on her computer and looks up his name.

Okay so yes we have patient names Elijah Fiennes Tiffin, he's on the side end of this nursery hallway from the noise since he is baby"

"Okay thank you so much, I say to her. "Let's go baby we're gonna go see him now," I say to Hero and pull him by his arm all the way to the far end where she said to go. I immediately see Carmen when we turn the corner, her hand is clutching her face and she is leaning over. I can see her crying and hiccuping with every breath she takes, I feel so bad right now. I walk to her and sit down next to her.

"I don't know how you're feeling right now and I wish that he comes out of this healthy because he's such a wonderful baby with great parents and you deserve him and he deserves you"

She looks up at me smiling slightly.

"You know I've never actually liked you because you stole Hero from me in a way, I thought that once I had Elijah we would be a family and eventually will get married and have more babies but then you came along and fucked up everything," she says angrily and I fell nothing but bad right now.

"But I've grown to know with the fact that you and Hero are somewhat cute together and I hope y'all have a great life with y'all babies"

I looked at her shocked I would've never thought she would say that to me. I look at her and her head is back down in her hands I take my hand and just rub her back in slow motions. I look back up to Hero and he's looking directly at me with so much love in his eyes I think I might just faint then I'll be the one in the hospital.

Too soon

We wait and wait and wait forever for any news about the baby, doctors just walk past and look at us with sympathy in their eyes I don't want to know who was in the room trying to save baby Elijah because if any one of them doctors that gave us sympathy looks while walking pass I don't wanna hear it. He can't be gone Carmen and Hero need him to be better.

Hours seem to go by before a doctor came up to us with the saddest look on his face, and I automatically know why and Carmen does too. She breaks down crying and screaming that her baby is not dead, he's alive, he's gonna be okay, but we all know the truth and it's not okay. The only person who hasn't said anything is Hero but I don't think he's comprehending anything that's happening right now.

When I turn around to look at him I notice that he's not near me but is slowing walking away, away from me, away from Carmen and the doctor, away from Elijah.

Away from his pain.

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