Baby boy

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Hero (pov)

Days later...

It's been a couple of days since I last saw Jo, I don't know what was wrong with me but seeing her and Cameron together just really hurt me way down deep and I can't get them out of my head. Why the fuck was she talking to another guy I mean yeah sure that's her coworker but she still shouldn't be talking to him.

That motherfucker is going down next time I see him I'm gonna let him know not to fuck with me and my girl if that's the last thing he will ever do.

On a simpler note, I haven't seen Elijah in a while and I'm pretty sure his mom wants me to come over there so that's exactly where I've headed to the home of hell but where my angle sleeps, a couple of minutes later I'm pulling up to Carmen's House also know as her luxury palace.

Lucky bitch

Walking up to her driveway I knock on the door of course she answers.

"Hi Hero," Carmen says

"Hey Carmen I come in," I ask politely


I walk in and I realize her house is one big as a palace it's nothing too big but still a huge something, but out the corner of my eyes, I see Elijah sleeping on some big couch with fancy pillows. I walk over to him and he starts to open his bright green eyes and smiles at me.

"Hi baby"

He gurgles

"You excited to see daddy because he's excited to see you"

Gurgles again

" I hope you know that I love you so much and you meant the absolute world to me even if I'm not around, I've been having trouble lately being a good dad and all but hopefully even though your a baby you can forgive me and my mistake as a parent," I told him

He just stares at me

" I love you baby" I kiss him on the forehead and set him back down.

I get up and start making my way back toward the front four but Carmen stops me.


"What Carmen"

"Your not a bad dad it's just hard for you some days and I get that everybody had those bad days, that bitch...

" don't call her that"

"Anyways she took you away from me and I plan on getting you back one way or another but for now I hope you and her live a happy life together in some shit house," she tells me

" oh we will but if it is in a shot house then at least we're together bye Carmen," I tell her and walk out.

Who the fuck does she think she is because last time I check she's a whore who had a baby with another whore so basically were both dummies in this situation, I don't know what to do anymore Jo's mad at me and my baby mother is fucking crazy I just can't win at all with either of them.

I end up driving on the ride for a few hours hurt thinking about me and Jo's future babies, what they will look like, whole they have my hair or hers anything physical I would like it to be all Jo's that just how it should be if I can't take care of Elijah right then I don't want to screw up with then either but they will my baby's anyway so who cares.

I'm bored maybe I should see what she is doing and apologize to her for my actions a couple of days ago. So I decided to do just that I'm driving up to her house right now hopefully she answers when I get there. Pulling up to her house I see her porch light on and her cat in the driveway so she's here but there is also another car so somebody must be in there with her but whoever is is especially if it's a guy I'm beating some ass tonight.

I start walking toward the door and when I close I'm nervous but I know a way to get this over with a couple of minutes go by and she doesn't answer so I walk back toward my car but then I hear a click and turn around but it's not her at the door

"Why the fuck are you here"

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