Drunk text

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I haven't spoken to Hero in two weeks or so he completely vanished after what happened the last time we saw each other. He won't answer my calls or text and it's been hard on me because of everything with the babies the constant arguing and my feelings for Cameron.

Last week I woke up and it was blood everywhere on my bed and I was in so much pain that I couldn't get up so I did the only thing I could do grabbed my phone and called Cameron, he came to my house and helped me Change my clothes and took me to the hospital when we got there I was automatically taken into the back and checked and everything was fine but it's wasn't, Hero wasn't there.

He's been on my mind every second of every day and I can't stop my thoughts that something happened to him, where is he, why does he keep ignoring me, we have fucking kids that we need to co-parent for and he just keeps fucking everything up, I need him with me through everything because I can't do it all by myself.

After my pregnancy scare, I've been taking things easy. I haven't been to work in 2 days but I'm going back today I'm just not ready to face Cam.


When I get to the coffee shop I'm hit with the worst smell ever it's never smelt like this before when I was working, I make my way to the back and I see the reason behind the smell it's old molded donuts and tons of trash sitting here and no one bothered to pick the disgusting shit up. I hate these people.

"CAMERON, DELILAH WHAT THE HELL IS THIS" I scream and both of them come flying into the back room.

"JO WHAT IS WRONG" they yell back

"Y'all tell me that it's trash back here and molded donuts and both of you didn't bother to take it out and throw it away," I say

"I tried to get Cam to do it but he didn't want to and we just forgot," Delilah says

"Why do I always have to take the trash out just because I'm a guy doesn't mean I'm a trash taker automatically," cam says

"It doesn't matter anymore, Delilah go take out the trash Cam go put out more donuts on the front counter"

"Why do I have t-"

"just do it Delilah please"


She grabs the trash and takes it out now it's just me and Cam in the room. It's awkward now I need to get out of here before either of us says something we don't mean. I turn around to leave but his voice stops me right in my tracks.

"So Josephine are you ok after what happened last week," he ask

"Yes I'm okay still a little bit sore but my babies make it all better their very healthy" I respond turning back around to leave

"Where's baby daddy I barely see him around anymore" he blurts out and his words graze my skin

"Umm not that it's any of your business but I haven't seen him for a good minute"

"He doesn't deserve your Time Josephine I can treat you way better than him I can give you what you want," he says taking steps closer to me getting closer and closer to my face

"I can be your everything all you have to do is let me be just that please Jo"

A future with Cameron does sound nice no worries or troubles with other baby mommas, no constant arguing or disappearing whenever. the thought of a future with him sounds magical but I have two kids that I have to think about and they are part of my future too and they will always come first against anybody so I can't with him at least not right now or never.

"Cam I can't I'm so sorry I wish I could but I have two kids that's gonna be my priority for now on and I can't let nobody take that away from them or me, maybe in the future there could be something between us but now it's a no," I say

"It's ok Jo I'm sorry for even trying"

"Cam" I breath

"Sorry Jo I can't right now" he backs up and walks away

I feel so bad about it all but I really can't


It's was awkward for the rest of the shift but I made it home around 9:00 and now I'm just chilling on the couch with the greatest pup of all time. Hero still hasn't contacted me yet and it's upsetting me I can handle it tho he'll come around soon enough.

I get up to make some coffee before I head off to bed and my phone dings it late at night who could still be up at this time of night, I go to check the message and my heart drops, and my eyes start tearing up.

It's hero with a two word text

"Help me"

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