Welcome (part 1)

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Ever since Josephine had been having pains I knew it was almost time for the babies to come into this world. I immediately took her to the hospital when she said it was time to go and ever since then I've been super excited, sad, and nervous about the arrival of the twins. Excited because they're almost here and me and Josephine finally get to meet the two boys that brought us together. Sad because I miss Elijah and I wish he was here to become a big brother, well technically he still is but he's not physically in this world to be. Nervous because I'm about to become a fucking father and Josephine is about to become a mother.

I'm about to become a FATHER.

When we made it to the hospital they immediately put her into a room because of her being pregnant with twins which were great. I know Josephine was in pain but she didn't wanna say anything until I came into the room and she was crying.

The good news is that the doctor told us that Josephine was 10 centimeters and it was time for us to meet the babies. I can tell she is super nervous and her body starts to slightly shake, I grab her hand just to calm her but in reality, I need calming my hands are super sweaty.

"You okay Hero,?" she asks me.

I tell her that I'm fine and we talk for a little bit more about the joys of her becoming a mom. Then The doctor comes in a tells us it's time.

He takes us into this bigger room across the hall and everything is set up for the twin's arrival. Two little beds are on the side corner of the hospital room ready for them to be put in there. 3 nurses are putting on their gear for the birth. The doctor is preparing himself in the corner talking to one of the nurses, I wonder how many times he does this a day. Most likely a lot.

When he finishes talking to her he comes over to me. He pulled me to the side away from Josephine.

"You ready dad to be," he asks me putting a hand on my shoulder.

"Yes, extremely nervous but ready," I say back to him my voice cracking.

"Don't worry about the birth it's gonna be just fine, I've seen dads come in here super nervous and leave out with tears streaming down their faces. I've seen dads super angry and leaving the mother to be on her own, some of them have good reasons but still. I've seen dads pass out right in front of me and not wake back up until after the birth. What I'm trying to say is you have nothing to worry about today everything is gonna go smoothly in my hands"

He just made me more fucking worried about the birth.

"Okay okay I believe you and I trust you, doctor, with this process," I say to him and crack a small smile.

He smiled back "let's get this started"

We walk back towards Josephine and she's talking to one of the nurses. She turns her head and looks at me then smiles brightly.

"You ready baby," I ask her

"Ready as I'll ever be," she says. I leaned down and kiss her salty lips that were wet from sweat and tears.

"I love you"

"I love you more"

The doctor looks at us before saying that he's ready to start. Josephine didn't get the epidural so contractions are hitting her hard and she's gripping my hands tightly. The doctor tells Josephine to lift her legs and she does so the doctor can get to the babies.

The doctor looks up at me before telling Josephine it's almost time for the first push.  When the contraction hits it's time to start pushing. I look down at Jo who's pushing with all her mighty strength.

"You're doing so good baby keep going" I whisper to her and she whimpers in pain.

The doctor tells her to push again.

"Josephine keep pushing until I tell you to stop the first baby is almost out I can see his head coming forth"

She pushes and pushes until the doctor tells her to stop because she's not pushing hard enough.

"Mama you have to push harder so we can get the first baby out," I tell her kissing her forehead.

"I know Hero I can't it hurts so fucking badly and he's not coming out which is making it fucking worst the pain is getting unbearable Hero," she says crying.

I look at the doctor and he's giving me a look I didn't want to see and saying the words me and Josephine didn't want to hear.

"We might have to do a emergency C-section, the first baby doesn't want to come out and is blocking the second baby who's ready to make his grand appearance," he says and two nurses leave the room leaving the doctor, one nurse, me and Josephine who's not saying anything about it.

I look down at her and she just stares straight ahead. Her eyes eventually look up at me and she gives me a look that lets me know she ok and whatever we have to do to get the babies out she wanna do it.

We both look at the doctor.

"Let's do it," she says

He looks at me "let's do it"

I look at her then back at him and say.

"Let's do it"

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