Utterly happy

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This whole birthing process has been a scare for me and Josephine but we're both ok, especially Josephine. She is the strongest woman I know and I'm so proud of her for going through with the c-section even though she kinda had no choice for the matter, she showed me that so much pain can be worth it for something so beautiful. Our baby boys.

When the doctor brought them into the room I was super happy to see them. They were very small and when put in Josephine's arms looked even smaller but they were here and alive. Both babies looked like me but the baby on Jo's right looked more like me and it was scary but just a little.

The baby on the left looked so content in Josephine's arms and he was smaller than the baby on the right. She has them in her arms and she looks so good holding them to her chest, her being a mother suits her very well and I'm glad I can be a part of the journey with her as the baby daddy, boyfriend, and hopefully future husband.

The nurse shows Josephine how to feed them and she's a natural at it already. The babies are so quiet and so brand new in this world, I
Wonder knows what going on in their minds. If they enjoy being out into the open not in their momma's belly.

The realization hits and I never really thought about it till now but I and Josephine never talked names this entire time. These boys are here and they don't have a name, I've thought of a few and I like them for the boys. Hopefully, Josephine likes them too.

Josephine," I call to her since her attention is still on the boys.

"Yes," I answer

"You know what we forgot love," I say kissing the side of her forehead.

"What," she says.

"The boys need a name"

U watch as her face drops and a sense of realization crosses her face.

"WE NEVER THOUGHT OF FUCKING NAMES THIS ENTIRE TIME" she yells and one of the boys starts to cry.

She picks up one of the babies and shushes him. I take this opportunity to pick up the other baby who stayed asleep during his mother's quick rage.

"Hero how the hell haven't we thought about this," she says.

"I honestly don't know, we didn't have a lot of time because of when I was in jail" I whisper.

"I had time to think about it," she says her voice cracking "I did"

I maneuver a Little not to try to wake the baby but am still able to see Josephine, she's crying. Tears stream down her Gorgeous face and she sniffles wiping her nose, a teardrop lands on the baby she's holding and I wipe it off, I turn towards her and wipe the tears that remain.

"Why are you crying, my love?" I ask.

"I'm crying because I didn't think of a name for them. We're supposed to have a name for them as soon as they are born and we didn't"

"Not every baby has a name when their born mamma"

"They're not just any babies there ours and I wanted to have it ready and not think about it as soon as they come out of me"

"Calm down Jo, if you are so worried about the name let me give you a suggestion," I say and she looks at me.

"What is it," she says.

"How about Jaylen and Jaxon, the firsts name is very gender neutral and means thankful" I rub my cheek against the little boy who is in Jo's arms.  "Jaxon means son of Jack which translates to God is Gracious" I look down at the baby who's in mine "and I think he'll be very gracious"

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