2 weeks apart...

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Josephine (pov)

2 weeks have gone by and I haven't seen hero at all, it was several times after the party that I wanted to contact him and tell him to come over because I missed him, but I didn't do it in stronger then that.

Right now I'm chilling on the couch with my pup watching stranger things because why not, this show is too good now that I'm sitting down and watching it, pup starts barking at the door but I don't remember ordering nothing or telling someone to come over.

Making my way to the door I open it and I can't believe my eyes I can't believe who I'm seeing Hero is standing in front of my door looking like the greek god he is but he is not alone he's has a baby in his hand who is showing his gummy smile at me this baby is gorgeous.

"Hi what are you doing here," I say staring at him because I don't recall my invitations for him to come over.

"I'm here because I have someone for you to meet and I wanted to say I'm sorry and I miss you" he smiles

"Oh ok come on in then"

I let him in then and we made our way back to the living room where pup was waiting.

"So who is this handsome boy" smiling at the baby

"This is Elijah and he is 4 months, say hi Elijah"

He waved the little boy hands up in the air to wave to me, I waved and smiled back but I'm still confused on why he brought him here to meet me.

"So Um how have you been in the past 2 weeks". He ask with a worried looked on his face like he asked me the wrong question.

"I've been good"

"Oh ok, anyway I just came here because I want you to meet Elijah and say how sorry I was sweetheart I know I fucked up because I didn't tell you I had a son but it wasn't my intention to hurt you I want to back in my life just like how I have him in my life y'all are stuck with me forever"

After his whole speech in just looking at home with tears in my eyes, I love him so much but he doesn't even know one day I will tell him just not now.

"Oh Hero I'm sorry for being such I was being such a bitch I was just hurt but I'll never do that again I like you a lot and I want us to work even with this baby and crazy baby mama," I tell him with a smile on my face.

"Jo I'm so happy to hear you say that I promise I won't lie again and will always tell you the truth from now on"


After ate talk we ended up taking some more bits eventually the baby got sleepy and Hero wanted to take him back home to his mama.

"Okay Mr baby daddy I'll see you tomorrow if you want to see me of course"

"Of course I wanna see you I'll pick you up from work"

"Ok" I look at the baby in his arms and wish he was mine but he's not.

"Bye Elijah"

"Bye Josephine" hero says for him.

"Alright I gotta go but I see you"

"okay Hero" he leans down and kisses my neck and behind my ear and gets up and walks to his car and drives away minutes later.

I shut the door and just sigh.

What a guy I have am I right....

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