Hi my name is

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Josephine (pov)

3 weeks later

in a matter of 3 weeks I have only got the to spend time with the mysterious boy 8 times. In all seriousness, I think he is the love of my life and I'm not just saying that for fun I'm saying it because it's facts even to me.

The only problem is I still don't know his name.

That's a total shocker to me and I just now realized it as I'm making his order the 3 times this week. I finished his order and I'm making my way toward his table to set it down, he turns around from his chairs and stops me.

"Hey sweetheart," he says with his dashing smile

"Hey Mr mysterious" I smile back at him to show him he can't affect me.

"Wanna come sit down with me have your break early"

"Yeah sure let me tell my coworkers" walking over to tell Stacy but the rhino wasn't listening I made my way back towards his table.

"So sweetheart how have you been"

"Good good how about you my mystery man" not realizing what I said until seconds later I blush 10 times harder than before.

"Your mystery man huh well I guess it's gonna have to stay that way until I give my proper introduction for starters you never asked my name ask now"

"Ok Mr mysterious what's your name"

Well if you must know hi my name is hero Fiennes tiffin"

"That's I nice name and as you already know I'm Josephine, Josephine langford"

"Oh I know your my blues eyed angel"

"I'm your what?

"Blue-eyed angel that's your nickname you gave me Mr mysterious and I gave you that, it's okay right"

"Yeah, it's totally fine" feeling super happy on the inside for me having a nickname besides sweetheart which I very much like.

We talked for I few more minutes while he was finishing his coffee and my break was almost over. It was a nice conversation about life in general and what he does, hero is an actor and model and looks mighty fine while doing both but I keep that to myself *wink*.

Eventually, he was done and I had to get back to work.

"Sweetheart ilk see you tomorrow hopefully let me put my number in your you phone' I'll text you"

"Ok " I handed him my phone and he put his digits in and handed it back to me"

"Already blue-eyed and tomorrow then"

"Tomorrow then"

He then did the unexpected thing, he kissed my cheek and left smirking. Leaving me yet into another visible daydream, that's until my coworker knocked me out of it.

FUCK HER!!!!!!

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