Im sorry jo

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You know there a moment where you look into somebody's eyes and you know that's they're the one for you, they're the one that's gonna keep you sane when times get tuff and lift you throughout y'all entire journey.

Looking at this girl right now I know she's the one that's gonna lift me and pull me out my through times my Josephine. My love my baby my everything and more.

"Hero Hero HERO"


" you weren't responding to me and I got kinda scared"

"Oh I'm sorry darling what were you saying"

" oh nothing" she whispers

"No no, tell me, sweetheart"

"I want you to make love to me right now"

"Make love to you"

"Yes please"

"My pleasure and yours"

She looks up at me with anticipation clear in her blue eyes the one I love so much the only blue that could make me melt straight to my feet is hers, lifting her chin we lean closer to each other ready for this keep to break the sexual iceberg which it very much did, she pushes her lips to mines and the whole world disappears in our moment of just me and her.

Gripping her hips I lift her on my body and making my way down toward a dark hallway.

" which room sweetheart," I ask eagerly already to get this going

"To the left"  she responds

Making my way to the left and in her bedroom, I softly drop her on the bed making sure to put her smake  down in the middle, her breaths has  became haggard and she is panting hard making the air seem harder to breathe in.

"What do you want Josephine"

"I want you and only you "

" you got me right here"

"You know what I mean"

And I know exactly what she means making my way down her body I can smell her sweet aroma surrounding the air making me cave for her like a hungry man,  getting to her panties there a nice yellow color but I don't really care I tear them right off her body coming close and closer to her Needy spot.

" are you sure you want this Jo"

"Yes pls hero don't make me wait"

That's all I needed to hear pressing my tongue flat against her she screams so loud I think the world heard her, working around her sensitive bud I push to fingers inside of her making her tremble and shake meaning I can tell she is very close.

" Cum for me now Josephine"

She does right on my tongue and fingers

Standing up she is still shaking but calming down a little from here high she is the most beautiful girl I have ever seen and hopefully, I'll keep her.



"Are you ready for round two"

Yes Hero"

Crawling up her body Making sure to keep eye contact I reach for a consul but realize I don't have one

" Um Josephine I don't have a condom on me"

"Just pull out"

"Are you sure"

" Yes now hurry"


Lining up at her entrance I push myself inside HOLY SHIT! it feels like heaven and she is moaning in my ear which is not making it any better for me, I start to move inside her push, pull back, push, pull back like a repeated pattern over and over and over again the eventually we reach our climax together at the same time but like one man dies I forgot to pull out.

" Josephine"


"I forgot to pull out I'm so sorry I didn't mean for that to happen"

"Hey hey it's alright Hero, whatever happens, happens"

" but Jo it's not that simple I don't want another kid right now"

" well you should have pulled out it not my fault

" my fault"

"Yes yours, now if you don't mind if  you don't wanna see what happens  get out of my house"

"No, no I'm sorry ok I'm so sorry Jo"


I can tell she has gone to sleep and I'm kinda tired myself so I try to start to fall asleep with the possibility of, whatever happens, happens.

Hi, people sorry for not updating in a while imma try to upload one more chapter today but no promises!!!!

Bye and eat your takis

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