Please don't

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I stare at him wide eyed.

He heard the conversation with me and doctor Barns. But how he just woke up a couple of minutes ago. He cannot get his hands on doctor Barns or he will literally kill him.

"What do you mean Hero," I ask him trying to would as calm as possible.

"You know what I mean where is he sound I can show him how to talk to the woman I love," he says back.

He is so protective of me and I love him for that.

"Hero I don't really think it ma-"

"Yes, it does matter he has no right to talk to your like that, he's a damn doctor and not some fucking ex boyfriend," he says.

I just look at him, I want to jump on him and kiss him and make love to him all night long but first, we gotta make it out of this hospital without him fighting anyone and getting sent to jail for assault.

"Baby listen to me I'm fine and so are the babies, the doctor doesn't matter. I'm here for you and you only your the only person I want to be with please don't worry about him"

"But Josephine he was disrespectful"

I walk up to him and cup his face and my small hands and kiss him and he kisses me back which makes my knees go weak and the butterflies in my stomach go crazy. I never understood love and now that I finally have the love that will make me do some crazy things for this man and my children I will never trade it for the world.

But our moment is broken when he walks in the door.

"Hello I'm Doctor Barns, I'm glad to see you awake Hero," he says to him.

Hero just gives him the biggest death stare known to man.

"When can I leave" Hero Ask.

"Umm I'll check but you might want to stay here just for a little longer to fully be stable," Doctor Barns says

"Ohh so you can have fucking free will to flirts and argue with me girl," he says back.

"HERO" I yell

"Trust me that wasn't my attention I just think I could give Josephine I better life for her and the babies instead of you who will eventually turn into a fucking deadbeat dad," he says casually.

"You piece of shit" he starts moving closer to Doctor Barnes and like it happens in slow motion he punches him right in the face, I'm frozen solid I can't move all I can see is Hero punching the shot out of him. But I'm snapped out of it when Doctor Barns Punches Hero back.

Aw hell naw

I race over to them and try to pull them off of each other but I ended getting a punch to the face by Doctor Barns and Hero goes at him again, some Doctors outside must have seen what was going down because the next minute there's several people in the roll pulling Hero and Doctors barbs off each other. There's commotion everywhere, people yelling and talking loudly, crying in the other rooms of the hospital and it's all overwhelming.

I look over to Hero and he has a couple of bruises on his face but nothing too bad but when I look at Doctor Barnes it's like I'm looking at a horror movie come to life.

His face is all bloody, he has two black eyes, his lips are busted and a few teeth are missing, and there are bruises everywhere on his face. Hero was about to kill him but everybody came in before it can happen.

Two police officers enter the room and go straight to Hero and start putting handcuffs on him.

"Aye aye why the hell are you arresting him," I ask slightly Panicking.

"Because ma'am he has assaulted and almost killed that doctor that was attended murder," he says back to me.

"But y'all don't know the full story of what happened and I'll just gonna take him away without asking anything about what happened before this," I say back to him.

"We know all we need to know, no more questions ma'am were taking him in" I drag Hero forward and Hero just looks defeated.

"Wait can I at least talk to him"

"You have ten minutes"


I go over to Hero I just start bawling my eyes out and he hugs me to his chest just slowly rubbing my back.

"Shhhh baby it's gonna be okay," he tells me.

"No it won't be okay who knows how long you gonna be in there but ill try every way to get you out of jail,"  I say.

"Baby don't try they haven't heard the full story maybe if u could get them to listen then just maybe I can get out of there"

"But what happens if they don't listen to you"

"Then I'll find out a way to make them listen and then I'll come for you and or babies and will move somewhere where only will know okay my love"

I just cry on his chest some more and he continues to shush me kissing my head everyone in a while.

"Alright 10 minutes are up," the officer says.

"NO! Please don't take him just listen to the story first" I yell.

Hero grabs my face

"Hey your gonna be okay remember what I said"

"Please don't leave me, Hero"

He kisses my nose and the officer grabs him and drags him out of the room and my body breaks down.

I'm gonna get him out of there even if I have to kill somebody

Doctors Barns sound like a great start.....

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