Life with boys

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All week I've been excited to find out the gender and now we're finally at the moment.

"The gender of baby A is... A boy" the doctor says. Move the want around some more to get a better look at baby B.

"Baby b is also a baby boy," she says.

Omg, we're having two little boys, I've always imagined myself as a girl mom but I'm so glad that I'm gonna be blessed with a boy. My son's.

When I turn to look at Hero he and tears in his eyes and he's smiling looking at the screen. His eyes meet mine.

"Thank you so much Josephine for giving me to boys"

"No, thank you Hero I'm so lucky to have you in My life and the boy's life"

"No need to thank me baby I'm just here to provide for you and the babies"

"That's not true your my life," I say to him crying.

"I know baby, I know just like your my life"

I lean over and kiss him. I forgot the doctor was still here in the room.

"Okay so would y'all like pictures"

"Yes we would love pictures"

"Okay I'll get those printed for you right away and ill be back"

"Okay thank you so much"

"You're welcome and congratulations," she says smiling.

She walks out of the room and leaves me and Herp alone. We don't speak for a while just look at each other--- that may be creepy. The way he looks at me makes me weak in the knees even though I'm sitting down and butterflies erupt in my stomach.

"I can't believe we're gonna be a family of 4 and going to have boys, boys Josephine," he says stilled by the news

"I know I'm excited to there gonna be mini heroes," I say.

"Mini me's," he says then starts crying again.

"Hero what's wrong" I reach over and grab his hand.

"Elijah was my first mini me and now I'm about to have two more that will look like me" he cries.

"I know it hurts Hero to thank about but maybe this is his gift to you, to us to give you two other versions of himself.

"I know it's just..."

"You have to explain yourself, baby I know," I say and wipe his tears from his face. He smiles at me.

"You know you're a God-send right"

I smile and look away from him. The doctor comes back and hands us the photos and tell us congratulations once again and leaves the room. I get myself together and I and Hero make our next appointment then leave the doctor.

We go to pick up some goods on the way back and also go to the store to pick up something on the way back home. When we get to the house a Car is in our driveway, it's Carmen and I think I know why she's there. We've been keeping in touch lately and I've been telling her about the pregnancy and she's been giving me advice. I know we should have gone back to hating each other but she's pretty nice and we're both lucky to have her.

We get out of the car and she sees us coming up the driveway. She rolls down her window.

"Hey guys, how did the appointment go" she ask

"It went very well"

"Did y'all find out the gender of the babies?" she says excitedly and doing little jumps.

"Yes, we did I'll tell you once we get inside," I say and we make our way into the house. I go into the room to take everything off, my belly has stretched so much. Hero comes in after and looks at me through the mirror.

"What" I turn around and look at him.

"Nothing just admiring such beauty that I call my future wife"

My breath hitches.

He gets up and leaves the room, leaving me in my thoughts. I love him and I want to eventually become his wife, Ms.s Josephine Fiennes tiffin.
I like it.

I leave the room after putting on some clothes and meet Hero and Carmen out in the living room. Carmen can't seek to sit still waiting for the exciting news.

"So what the hell are the genders of the babies" she yells.

"Okay, here we got you something to find out," I say and pull out a cupcake. She looks at it suspiciously.

"You want me to do a gender reveal for myself"

"Yes exactly"

She looked at me and Hero then bites the cupcake. She doesn't bite into it fully to already know the color. She looks up and smiles before screaming.


"Yes we are"

"I'm so happy for you too, your gonna be an amazing first-time mother Josephine"

"Thank you so much, Carmen, you've been a real help lately with advice and I appreciate everything you've said, I know we had a rocky start but I'm glad we can get along"

"Me too Josephine I'm also glad I stop being a bitch and gave you a chance," she says and comes over to hug me. I hug her back of course.

Hero is looking at us with a smile on his face, he looks me dead in the eye and mouth.

"I love you" and my mouth is back.

I'm so happy with my life and I can't wait to have my babies here with me for it.

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