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Is he okay doctor, I need to know? I ask the doctor again I honestly wouldn't know what to do if he wasn't okay, I need him by my side always and forever no matter what he has done.

"Yes Mr.Tiffin is okay a little drained but he is sleeping right now but should recover soon enough," the doctor said to me

"Good, can I see him, or do I have to wait out here," I ask

"You can go in just remember he is resting," he says

"Okay thank you so much and also what room is he in"

"Mr. Tiffin is in room 364 and You're most certainly welcome"

I walk away from the doctor and make my way down to his room, hospitals always creep me out no matter what my situation is the hospital just gives off the worst vibes of the century. In some of the rooms, I pass by families standing all around the doors crying or just staring into oblivion waiting and waiting I hope I don't end up like them one day.

I slowly start to round the corner to his room and when I peek inside his room the lights are dimmed and the window curtain is closed shut but still giving a peek a light which is making the room not as dark but dark enough.

I see Hero laying on the bed and he looks so fragile like if you touch just a little sort of him he would break into pieces. I want him to wake up I need him to wake up he's my everything and more and seeing him like this hurts my heart bad and I can tell the babies miss him whenever I mention his name they kick and kick and it hurts like hell but I wouldn't dare trade this feeling for anything.

I sit on the chair near his bed and hold his hand

"Hero, you don't know this but I love you with my whole heart the babies love you, even more, we need you by our side I need you by my side if you don't wake up how am I gonna survive this your my everything and more, I'm so sorry about everything that you're going through I wish I would've known about what was happening with you and we would here work it out together. I would've been there for you every strip of the way and it would have all been fine at the end, please please wake up Hero" I sob to him even though he is unconscious.

I'm really tired now that I think about it I haven't slept in a good day or so and it weighing on me I think I'm gonna take a quick nap until he wakes up, if he wakes up.


I woke up later and Hero is still the way he waste before but it seemed like someone had moved him a little bit. I look around the room and stop when I see a person coming in from the front door, it's the doctor earlier he Walks in and looks at me then smiles.

"Hello I'm sorry to startle you I was just checking on him"

"It's no problem I haven't had any sleep in a while and I was just catching up on nap time" I chuckle

"Seems like it when I came in here the first time you were in a very deep sleep I was thinking about moving you're but I decided not to bother"

"Oh well thanks for not moving me"

"Your welcome miss...


"Miss Langford"

We both look at each other and smile, then he proceeds to do his work around the room, I wanna know how old he is, for a doctor, he seems pretty young

"Ummm, doctor...


"Doctors barns " nice ring to it

"I was wondering how old are you," I ask

"I'm 27"


How about you miss Langford"

"I'm 24," I tell him

"Oh that's very nice to hear," he says

What did he just say...

"Why is that nice to hear doctor"

"Because your a very beautiful woman and I think maybe one day or your like we could go out sometime and have dinner," he says

"I'm so sorry but this man right here is my boyfriend and I love him very much so no I don't think we could have dinner some time" I say

"Okay miss Langford, if you ever change your mind though please give me a call" he hands me his personal number and leaves the room I'm shocked right now when hero wakes up he cannot know about this

Nobody can know about this and if someone did that would be....bad

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