Let's dance

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Hero (pov)

Driving away from Jo's house I start to feel empty inside like I'm losing something that ill never see again, I look into the backseat and see Elijah staring wide-eyed back at me with his gummy smile that I love so much.

" hi baby boy what are you looking at"

He babble's like he is responding to be which I think this the cutest thing ever so I continue to talk to him.

"So Elijah that lady that you just saw was Josephine she is my girlfriend hopefully you'll see her once a week or more if your mother lets you see her"

I look at him once while continuing to drive he babble's on responses to me as I continue talking to him about jo, it warms my heart to know I have a son to take care of and love with my whole heart but his mom is a piece of work.

" bud were pulling up to mamas house right now your gonna get something to eat I promise"

A few seconds later I pull up to Carmen's house and she is right outside the door.

" hey carmen"

"Hi hero, are you done with your conquest yet and ready to come back to me"

"She's not a conquest she is my girlfriend thank you very much, now come and get Elijah and stop pestering me about my god damn life and relationship"

" ok I'm sorry ill stop"

We go inside her house and we talk about Elijah and schedules for me and her that both work I also brought up Jo which shd agreed to let her see him, after that whole conversation I go into Elijah's room.

"Bye baby boy ill come pick you up this weekend"

He just babble's

"Ard bye baby"

I leave his room but as I'm turning the corner Carmen smashed me against the wall.

" what are you do-"

I don't get to finish because she ends up kissing me and my mind of clouded since I haven't had sex in a while but then I remembered something.

" I have a girlfriend get off of me"

" I thought you like it you were kissing me back"

" no, I didn't like it, and don't come near me again"

I run out of the house and hop in my car and staring speeding down the road towards my house.

What the hell am I gonna tell jo.


The day after hero left I went to sleep and just dreamt of me and him and maybe our future kids.
It was I nice dream but it's way too early to be thinking about that anyway.

Waking up in the morning which is today I got myself ready for work and said goodbye to pup.

When I arrived at work it's was pretty boring and the time was going by extremely fast and In little to no time hero would be here today pick me up, I made the last bit of coffee orders and put my Apron up, walking outside of the shop I saw hero car I made my way over and hoped in.

"Hi hero"

"Hi sweetheart"

"How was work"

" It was okay, how are you and baby Elijah"

" I'm fine and so is Elijah"

" oh that's good"

He starts the car and we drive to my house while continuing to talk to fill the air with our voices and not with silence.

When we get to my house we continue to just talk and cuddles for hours when hero suddenly hope up off the couch and yells....


I look at him crazy I don't dance.

" no"

" why not"

" because I don't dance"

" I'll teach you right here right now"

" I don't want to but ill try just for you"

" ok good"

He starts playing the song and we just start swaying to the beat, it is a slow sexy song and. It's making me think of some pretty bad/ good things right now. The song ends and I look up at hero who is looking at me with lust-filled in his eyes just like I know how mines are.

I think I know what's going down tonight but is it for the great of good. I'll find out

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