Almost time

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Hero speeds to the hospital. I can tell he's scared but I'd not trying to show it, he's trying to stay strong for me and I appreciate all his effort. The pain is still consuming me and it's getting harder to breathe. When we get to the hospital they immediately allow us to have a room since of course I'm not having one baby but two. I'm scared out of my fucking mind I'm about to give birth to twins...TWINS.

We're in a room now and I'm laying on the bed and Hero is sitting beside me rubbing my hands. I'm tired but I also don't wanna go to sleep just incase something happened.

"Josephine" Hero's calls me out of my slumber.

I wake up slightly dazed.

"Yea" I say

"Are you okay, is anything hurting" he says.

"No I'm fine, how are you feeling"

"Your asking me how I'm feeling,why?" He ask

"Because your in the same boat as me we're about to bring two humans into this world and I don't know how long it's gonna take until there here but I know you're scared of this I can see it on your face"

He drops his face into his hands.

"It's nothing to be afraid of, I know you miss Elijah and I miss him too and I know you can't possibly think about bringing two babies into this world without thinking of him but Hero I'm here for you and I'll always be here for you because I love you so much" I say

He looks up at me and smiles, he leans over and kisses me. I love this man, the father of my children.

We chill out in the room before the doctor comes in and check on me. He checks my vitals and the babies heartbeat, he tells me that I'm only 5 centimeters dilated, which sucks. I researched that women can have twins naturally which I wanna try to do but if I can't that fucking sucks.

The doctor leaves us and I'm back to my sleepy state.

1 hour later...

I wake up and when I looked around Hero  is a sleep on the small couch they have in the corner. He's so scrunched up on the couch he can barley even stretch his limbs. I start to laugh and don't realize I'm laughing quite loudly until Hero wakes up still sleepy.

"I'm sorry baby for waking you up but you was too funny sleeping in that position" I say and laugh some more. He looks at me like I'm a crazy person.

"Why are you up," he ask.

"Well the pain started to hit harder and I know it's contractions but damn it feels like a knife is sticking me over and over again"

"Do you need me to call the doctor in the room to check on you"

"No I think I'm fine, last time he was in here he said I was only 5 centimeters and maybes nothing changed in the hour"

"Maybe something had changed in the hour, I'm gonna call him in here just in case"


Hero goes out to get the doctor and I was kind of lying the pain is actually worse then what I made it seem like, I just didn't wanna cry in front of Hero. A few tears slip my eyes and I quiet sob escapes my lips, I didn't realize Hero and the doctor came back into the room until Hero starts wiping at my tear stained cheeks.

"What wrong my love"

"It's hurts" I sob.

He hugs me kissing my forehead "I know baby I know"

I continue to sob but the greatest and scariest news came from the doctor in the background.

"Good news Ms. Langford your 10 centimeters dilated, now are you sure you wanna go with regular labor and no the c-section.

I start to think for a second..HOLY SHIT IM ABOUT TO BE A MOM.

"Yes I'm so sure, really sure about the decision" I say my voices shaky.

"Alright all get the nurses and everything set up then I'll be back with y'all in a minute for the birth"

"Ok thank you so much"

"Your very welcome"

He leaves me and Hero in the room. This is the moment I've been waiting for basically 8 months, I'm so excited and scared but I know I'll be fine and the birth will go fine and the babies will be fine. My baby boys will be here soon.

The doctor comes back a few minutes later and he has 3 nurses follow behind him. They start to prepare everything and my heart start to race, Hero is holding my hand and I can feel his palms are super sweaty.

"You okay Hero,?" I ask

"Yes I'm fine baby, just excited and scared that's all love," he says.

"I'm scared too but the babies will be here soon, I'm about to become a mom" I say and start crying.

He leans down and kisses my forehead repeatedly "Your about to become a mom,"

It goes quiet in the room before the doctors say the words I've been waiting to finally get since the pain started.

"Are you ready too meet your babies Josephine"

Hell yess I am.

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