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5 years later...

"Mommy" I hear my son Jaylen yell.

"Yes baby" I answer.

"Jaxon is crying"

"Do you know why"

He doesn't say anything but instead looks down at his little feet.


"Yes mommy"

"What's wrong with your brother"

"Mommy little kids in school are mean to him because of his glasses, they call him a nerd and say mean things about my brother every day, I want to hit them in their stupid heads," He says, and his little voice cracks.

"Why didn't you tell me, baby, me and daddy would have made it stop"

"Jaxon told me" he points to himself "not to tell you or daddy" he points to me and Hero who's right beside me.

I look over at Hero who's leaning on the counter and he looks so angry. We've never thought our kid could be getting picked on at school by little-ass kids the same age as him. They're only in kindergarten and already mean to others because they're different.

Jaxon was born with a vision problem that didn't get acknowledged until he was about 4 when we took him to the pediatrician. He has glasses now that help him to see at school and to read at home. Jaylen was fine so he didn't need glasses. The twins have grown so much since I have given birth and it is exciting to see them every morning before they go to school and every night when I set them to bed just to do it all over again, I love them with my whole heart, and sometimes I can't believe I am a mother and parenting them with the best person ever. My husband.

Me and Hero got married when the twins were only two years old and it was a small ceremony. Hero's "friends" came and celebrated that day with us but soon we never really heard from them after that except for Jason who's the twin's godfather. Me and Hero haven't been a perfect couple at all, when the twins were only one, and Hero got into this huge argument and we didn't talk to each other for about a week or two, of course, he came and played with the twins before leaving again but eventually, he came back and we were fine.

Having twin boys is definitely no joke though. They are very rough with each other.

Jaxon is really nice though he's my sweet child. Jaylen on the other hand is the most active and causes the most problems at home but still can be a sweet child when he wants to be. They're totally opposites of each other for that matter and it's Great to see how they interact, sometimes it's very funny and sweet other times we have to stop them from biting each other heads off like that one time.


2 years ago...

"Mommmyyyyyy" one of my sons yells.

"Get off me" the other one yells.

Me and Hero look at each other and shake our heads before getting up out of the bed and walking into the living room. When we turn the corner the boys are looking at each other with the wildest angry look ever. Jaxon is on the left holding his blanket and Jaylen is on the right just looking at him.

"What's going on?" I ask.

"HE WON'T GIVE ME THE BLANKET" Jaylen screams.

"you do not scream," I say to him and I look at  Jaxon "what happened"

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