N/A: Rip Ninjamain

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So, I just found out that one of my favorite authors on Wattpad passed away a few months ago, and my lord. I clicked on his profile today. Just to see how he was doing. only to see #RIP Ninjamain, and then that's when I see the announcement that he passed away by suicide.

I didn't know him personally, but would any of you believe me. If I told you, that. He was once writing an Avatar story, A Katara x reader story to be exact. And this story came out months before I published my own first written story. I'm pretty sure you all know where I might be getting at. I originally gave him the concept of making his fire bender protagonists a lightning bender. He liked the idea, try to incorporate it into his story. He eventually stopped working on the story, only to then remove the story entirely.

However, just before he did, I grew to like the concept I gave him myself, and thus, as you all now know.

The rest is history, and in a way. He did help me write the prologue of my story.

Okay, that is a lie. I stole a portion of his prologue and put it in my story; just before he removed his story.

So if you guys want to thank anyone for this stories existence you can thank Ninjamain

Rest In Peace you inspiring Ninja. I hope you said hello Kurama up in the clouds, with other Rainbow operatives, as well.

 I hope you said hello Kurama up in the clouds, with other Rainbow operatives, as well

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This was the cover art he originally used for his Avatar story. My you rest easy Ninjamain

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2021 ⏰

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