Omashu: Grandpa Bonzu

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Katara POV:

A few hours ago Aang said that we would all enjoy the view of the city called Omashu. So much so,that he wanted all us to walk up towards cliff,leading us to the city.

Aang: "An here it is guys, the earth kingdom city of Omashu, I use to always come here to visit my friend Bumi. " Aang explained.

As Aang was saying all this, I'm looking at site of the earth kingdom city and I couldn't help but be amazed at what I was seeing. That I couldn't help but express my excitement.

Katara:"Wow, this is amazing Aang." I said out loud still looking at the city. And it seemed sokka and Y/N also thought the same as well.

Sokka: "they actually have buildings here, that won't melt! "

Y/N:"yeah,I'll say,...They actually have walls that can probably hold off an actual fire nation attack. " Did Y/N just insulted Sokka building skills or was he just joking? I thought to myself.

Once I heard Y/N say that. I than turned to look at both of them, as they were standing right beside me on my right. An it seems sokka picked up on it as well.

Sokka:"yeah,...Hey! "

I then see Y/N starting to laugh after seeing sokka reaction. I just simply turn away from them, trying to hide my smile. As I actually thought the joke was pretty funny,it was mean but funny.

Y/N: "Oh come on Sokka, you totally should've seen that joke coming a mile away. " Y/N soon started to laugh to himself after he said that.

Sokka:"You know, theirs a difference between my wall and their's right?! It that....

Aang:"come on slowpokes,you guys can argue once we're inside the city!" Sokka sighs after hearing that.

Sokka:"Alright fine. sokka then quickly looks back at Y/N."This conversation of ours is definitely not over shocker! He said still looking annoyed over what Y/N just said.

Y/N:" Sure, ..ponytail." He smiles again after saying that.

Aang:"Alright let go guys!

Before Aang could take another step I quickly stopped him. As I felt Aang needed to change his appearances.

Katara:"wait Aang? We may have to change your appearance.

Aang:"wait why?

Katara: "It might be dangerous if the people here, found out that you're the Avatar." I explained.

Y/N:"She might have a point there Aang, so you're probably gonna need a really good disguise. "

Sokka: "yeah, especially one that can hide the arrow on your head. "

Aang: "well, how do you guys think I should do that?" Aang then looked at all of us for an suggestions. When non of us had an answer,he continued. It's not like I can magically grow hair on my head, in mere seconds?..oh and I can't exactly grow a beard yet, because as you can see I'm not old enough for that, yet." Aang soon begins to laugh at himself, after he said that. It soon gave me an idea. Oh, and seeing Appa shedding his fur also helped too.

Katara:"hmm...,maybe you can grow a beard,if you start acting your age that is., "

Aang: "huh? "

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