A Pirate's Salty Seas Are Not For Me

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" How long have I've been out? I asked. Still feeling a bit dizzy. However, before she could answer. I soon heard someone I clearly didn't feel like dealing with at the moment.

" Y/N. You're awake. Good.  You had me worried there for a second."


"Aww. What's wrong? You seem quiet. No snarky remarks this time, pal?" Zuko spoke arrogantly to me.

Despite the fact that I was still feeling a little dizzy. A smile still somehow managed to creep it's way on my face after I heard him say that.

" Are you okay? Because from what I'm seeing. One side of your face is looking a little 'overcooked' their pa-"

"Y/N!" Katara screamed. As she saw Zuko punch me in the gut; where I almost vomited on the ground.

"I wouldn't start making insults if I were you; especially without your bending!"

"Wha, what are you talking about?!" I asked him angrily, as I tried to catch my breath.

"That dart you were shot with, not only knocks you out completely, but it also nullifies your bending for at least two days." Zuko explained.

"Well, that just great. Now I have to rely on my wits again." I thought to myself.

" I don't suppose you know where the Avatar is hiding, do you?" Zuko asked me

" Just because you capture me does not mean I'm gonna start talking Zuko."

" You won't bite either huh? Not that it matters. I already have the pirates scouring the woods; and seeing as how we found you two. The Avatar is probably not too far from here."

" You must've paid a hefty sum of Gold, to get these pirates to cooperate with you? You that desperate Zuko?" I asked. Trying to get under Zuko's skin.

"No, actually I didn't." That's was when I saw Zuko pull out the water bending scroll. " All I had to do was threaten to burn this scroll, and just like that; they were all practically on their knees and more than eager to cooperate. Just like you were, back on my ship; where I nearly burn that stupid necklace of yours."

" Damn you, you bastard!" I thought to myself. As I glared at him.

"What's wrong? Did I hit a nerve?" Zuko taunt.

"Leave him alone Zuko," Katara spoke up. Which only left Zuko to scoff at her.

"You're related to a feared assassin, but from I see, you're nothing more than a coward." Zuko taunts once again as he soon started to walk away from us.

" Are you okay Y/N?" Katara asked me.

"I'm fine Katara. Don't worry about me, okay." I said quickly. " It will take a lot more than petty insults, from some sad prince to get me down." I  said as I tried to break from my ropes, but it was no use, and with my sword gone, daggers back at camp, and without my bending; Zuko clearly wasn't kidding when he said that dart took my bending. As I tried to use my feet to make my lightning appear, no such luck. We were really stuck here.

"This is all my fault," Katara said quietly, as she looked away from me.

" What do you mean Katara?" I asked her.

" We wouldn't be in this mess if I wasn't so obsessed with that scroll."

" Hey, come on Katara. It's not your fault. We will get out of this." I said to her reassuringly.

" but it is my fault, don't try to deny it Y/N." Once again Katara turned away from me.

I didn't know what else to say. From what I was seeing Katara was still obviously beating herself for all of this. I  mean rightfully so but still. I just hate seeing her like this.

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