Is this a play, or life?

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A/N:Here is the chapter in which I talked about everyone enjoying.


"Here it is, guys. The Great Divide. One of the largest Canyon in the world." Aang announced as we finally reached the desert valley he mentioned yesterday.

"Wow! I could stare at the view forever." Katara said. Who stared at the view in utter amazement.

"I'll say," I said. " You were right, Aang. The canyon does look like it goes on forever."

"Okay, I've seen enough," Sokka said. Who looked bored at the site.

"How can you say that Sokka? This is like the largest canyon in the entire world." Katara said, looking at her brother in complete disbelief.

"Then I'm sure we will all see it very clearly in the Air as we fly away." Katara sighs, annoyed with her brother's antics.

"Hey? If you are looking for the Canyon guide. I was here first!" A guy shouted, who appeared out of nowhere, shoving Sokka out of the way. He looked utterly 'well dressed' in clean, fancy white robes, with a hiking backpack on his back, and seemed impatient for some reason.

"Oh, a canyon guide? That sounds very informative." Katara said.

"believe me. He's more than just a tour guide." The man said. "He's also an earthbender. My tribe and I need his help to get us across this desert canyon." The guy explains. However, I didn't bother to hear the rest of it. I also noticed Sokka mocking the guy behind him, which nearly made me laugh.

"Calm down there, pal," Sokka said. "We know your tribes next."

"You wouldn't be calm if the Fire Nation destroyed your home and forced you to flee!"

"You're a Refugee?" I mumbled in surprise.

"Of course. I just said that, didn't I?"

I sighed as I heard that. "I'm just making an observation, 'pal.' Sorry for being slow."

"Where are you and your tribe going?" Katara asked.

"My tribe and I must cross thousands of miles across this canyon to reach Ba Sing Sa." The guy explained.

"Is that them?" Aang called out as he saw a large group slowly approaching us.

" It most certainly is not. That's the 'Zhang' tribe. They have been the enemy of my tribe for years." The guy explained bitterly.

"They look 'Barbaric.'" I whispered. As this new group drew closer, I couldn't help but notice the array of rustic weapons they carried on their persons, including broad swords, clubs, knives, and even chains. Their clothes appeared made of rough animal hides and tattered rags, giving them a wild and unkempt look. The sight of them was both intimidating and unsettling.

"Y/N!?" Katara scolded as I felt her jab my rib cage for a moment.

"Hmmph. You got that right, my friend." The guy agreed. "Those Zhang are nothing more than filthy rotten savages."

"Hey?! What was that for?" I yelled. I  felt Katara flick me on the head as we all heard him say that.

" You know what you did, Y/N," Katara said. With her arms crossed, she looked a little annoyed as well. It only took me a moment to realize what she was talking about.

"All I said was that they looked like savages. I never said that they are sav-"

"Hey?! Who are you calling a savage?" A middle-aged woman called out. Who was wearing a wolf-bat cloth, welding a massive broadsword case on her back,  standing at least five feet away, starring down at me as if I 'owed' her something, and it seemed like the other people from her tribe took notice of the commotion, as well. I quickly stepped back, worried about the possible outcome if I didn't choose my words carefully.

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