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While Aang wanted to keep the lemur as a pet sokka wanted to eat the little guy for dinner. To the point where they both decided to chase after the lemur. Leaving me and Y/N inside the room full of the past Avatars.

Y/N:Didn't think sokka hunger was that bad.

Katara:Yeah same here,wait never mind this is sokka remember. He like bottomless pit.

Y/N:yeah I guess your right. And now that he gone.

That when I see Y/N reach inside his pockets and get out seal jerky sokka was complaining about earlier.

Katara:Wait a minute! You did take some seal jerky last night?!

She see him taking a bite of one, before he pulls out another one from his pocket before answering my question.

Y/N:Yes I did,you want one?(take another bite)

Katara:Um...why did you lie to sokka and just give him one?! And stop eating when I'm talking to you.

Y/N:I only took four of them. Before Aang made the fire and if I told sokka about the jerky. He definitely would have wanted them all.
(tries to taking a bite again)

Katara:PUT IT DOWN N/N!!

Y/N:Aaawww, but I'm hungry too kat  please. I'll even give you the last two.

Katara:What is he 8?! Wait never mind, this is his childish side, It actually still pretty funny to see.

Katara:(long sigh) Alright fine, your lucky I'm hungry to.

He gleefully hands me the last two jerky and we both started eating. An he starts looking at all the statues again. Then I decided to start a conversation with him.

Katara:You know I sometimes forget you can act childish sometimes. Well unless I call you N/N or sparky by Aang now.

Y/N:(scoffs) seriously katara

Katara:It just you always seem to be serious most of the time. Especially back at the village, like a soldier ready for anything.

Y/N: is that a bad thing kat?

Katara:No of course not Y/N, it just I haven't really seen this side of you in long time. If I'm being honest, this is the most I've seen you this relaxed and I guess happy.

Y/N:It probably aang influence and this journey to the North Pole. That what doing it for me,you know?

Katara:I actually hoped, he do that for you and I was right.

Y/N:Yes you were katara,yes you were.

That when I began to think about something. It been on mind and i've been wanting to ask Y/N about for a while now. Since I found out about his lighting bending.

Katara:hey Y/N?

Y/N:Yeah katara

Katara:remember when you told us. That you didn't know about you being a fire bender. Until a few weeks after the fire nation took my mother and your father.

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