Y/N Greatest Deception

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N/A: Wow, I can't believe this chapter only took me two days to write after the other one. I'm lying. I mean, come on. I haven't updated this story since Sept. 17, and this chapter is the result. Enjoy.


Today, or should I say. These past few days have not been very 'tension-free' for me, which is probably my fault. No, on second thought, it is my fault. I thought that fighting a nature-protecting spirit head-on was a good idea, and I'm now suffering a massive headache from it. Which by the way is currently stopping me from creating any forms of lighting, because of it. I really should have listened to her and stayed inside.
I probably could have handled all of those Fire Sages and Zuko with ease, and not be this situation, unarmed, tied up and away from my friends.

" Why isn't this door opening? It's sealed shut!" Zuko yelled out, clearly sounding frustrated. As he and the other Fire Sages once again tried to open up doors, so Zuko can finally capture Aang once again.

" It must've been the light. Avatar Roku doesn't want us inside."

So in other words, whatever Roku has to tell Aang must be important. That's good I guess, for Aang, mostly. I thought to myself, as I heard that.

" Why did you help the Avatar!?" Zuko asked Shyu. Who was now, standing in front of Zuko. Who clearly did not look too happy with what he just heard?

Shyu:" because it was once the Sages' duty. It is still our duty."

It seemed as though Zuko was about to ask something else. Only to soon stop himself. As we all heard someone began to slowly clap their hands. I soon looked ahead and notice even more fire nation soldiers appearing in the same dark red armor and helmet, with most of them wearing a white metal face mask, except for one man. who, unlike Zuko, seemed like he actually meant business and was also the one clapping in the first place. "Huh? I don't remember ever seeing that guy before, especially when Aang and I were captured by Zuko." I thought to myself, as I assumed that they were all Zuko men coming to aid him.

Zhou:" what a moving and heartfelt performance. I'm fairly certain the Fire lord will understand when you explain why you betrayed him."

"Commander Zhao."

Zhao:" And prince Zuko, it was a noble effort. But your little smokescreen didn't work."

Zuko:" Zhao!" So, He doesn't work for Zuko? I thought to myself, once again as it looked like Zuko clearly wasn't too happy to see this Zhou guy; and from what I can see. It almost looked as if Zuko wanted to punch that guy across the face, but Zhou soldiers quickly apprehended Zuko as if they already knew that or something. Soon after that, however, Zhou then notices the sword that I dropped on the floor; when I surrendered myself earlier.

Zhou:" You know Zuko." Zhou said before he decided to pick up my sword and begin to inspect it before he continued. "I feel I should thank you. If not for your 'humiliating disgrace'. I don't think I'd be standing here right now, where I not only get to capture two traitors, the Avatar; who if I'm not mistaken, is cowardly hiding behind these doors. But after nearly thousands of years. I get to finally meet  Indra's chosen descendant." Zhou then glances at Sokka and Katara for only a moment before he looked behind Zuko and finally noticed me. " And I assume he's the one, correct?"

" Yes, Commander. The others and I were completely caught off guard-"

Zhou:" if that's so. then why is he chained up like a prisoner?"

" Commander. he helped the Avatar-"

Zhou:" it would be wise to untie him if I were you. Imagine what the fire Lord would do if word got out on how you and the other sages treated 'Raijin' " I could see the fear in the older Sages eye's when Zhou said that. " untie him. We only tie up prisoners and traitors." Zhou order, while he gave Zuko a smudged look.

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