All this For A Dead Guy!

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N/A: I think this is my first attempt in doing a third-person perspective, I mean dabbled with it here and there throughout the story. Anyway,enjoy

After Aang accidentally stumbled into the Spirit world.  He came face to face with Avatar Roku's Spirit guide, his companion Dragon named Fang. Who showed him visions of what to come in the future. Such as, how to talk to Roku himself, showing him a mysterious meteor, and with the winter solstice soon approaching. Aang knew what he had to do.

He had to go to Roku's Temple deep within the Fire Nation, to speak with Roku himself. That was his mission,  and he felt as though it was his mission alone.

Aang cared about his friends too much to put them through with what, he thought may possibly be a suicidal trip; with Sokka just coming back from the spirit world and Y/N still recovering from his injuries. He just couldn't risk his friend's safety over this. They were like family to him after all, and he just couldn't lose that, not again.

With these thoughts now plaguing the young Airbender's mind. Aang thought it would be better to sneak out right before dawn, with Appa and fly off to the Fire Nation. However, it seemed as though Appa had other ideas in mind. As he wouldn't move or let alone listen to Aang, what so ever.

Aang:" come on Appa? We have to get going, buddy. " Aang said quietly but hastily, as to not wake anybody but Appa, decided to stay put as he didn't want depart without Momo or his owner's friends. "look Appa, for the third and final time Sokka, Katara, and Y/N can't come. Where were going, could be dangerous! " Aang said to Appa once more, hoping, that his friend would understand his decision for leaving. Only to hear Appa let a loud roar in response as if, he was asking Aang why. " I'll just be putting them in more danger, and you wouldn't want that now, Would you buddy?" Once again Appa only let out a loud roar. Still choosing to firmly stay in his spot.

Aang:" really!? Aang said surprised and was now slowly becoming annoyed with Appa's stubbornness. As he soon started to yank on the reins to get Appa to at least budge. " Come on Appa! Get your big butt off the ground and let's go! " Aang yanked on the reins once again. Only to lose his grip and balance this time, as he soon fell down on the ground.

Sokka:" you know Aang. I think his big butt trying to tell you something? " Sokka said as he, Katara and Y/N were standing right behind Appa.

Aang:" guys I have too-"

Katara:" Please Aang, don't go. The world can't lose you to the Fire Nation, and neither can't we." Katara pleaded.

Y/N:" Yeah, that sounds about right katara. " Y/N said, as he now had his arm cast off, crossing his arms. " do you seriously think going to the fire nation is a great idea Aang? "

Aang:" Even if it isn't a good idea. I still have to go and find out what my visions mean! " Aang quickly hops on top of Appa. As he prepares himself to leave for the journey ahead. Only to be stopped once again by his three friends, once again. As they all stood in front of Appa.

Katara:" I'm sorry Aang, but we can't let you go."

Aang:" Guys, I -"

Sokka:" At least not without your friends. We got your back." Hearing that alone was enough to catch Aang off guard, as he wasn't expecting that.

Y/N:" Yeah we do, and besides, you leave without us. You'll just end up taking all the fun with you. " Y/N said. With a smirk on his face, Leaving Aang perplexed by his statement.

Aang:" If getting chased or possibly captured by the Fire Nation is your idea of fun, then your insane." Y/N soon let a laugh, after he heard that.

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