Sages, Fireballs, ideas, oh my!

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Katara Pov

Judging from the sun setting in the sky. It was probably three or four hours after that crazy ordeal with Zuko and those Fire Nation ships as we flew across the ocean seas without a voice being uttered by anyone.

From Aang sitting in front, flying or should I say possibly laying down on Appa. At the same time, Sokka sat near the front of the saddle, mulling over his thoughts. Y/N was passed out right beside me due to him using his lightning to the point of hurting himself once again. While I sat down in the back, looking out at cloudy sky's, softly petting Y/N's hair. He was resting on my shoulder for some time, but due to my discomfort, he was now resting on my lap as we continued on our journey to fly across the ocean floor to our destination.

I was still very much against the idea of coming anywhere near the Fire Nation of all places, but Aang was set on coming here in the end.

He had to come to speak with his past life to understand what he had to do as the Avatar, which is why the three of us all agreed to come along with him because he couldn't do this all on his own.

Aang:" We made it!" I heard Aang say with excitement in his voice- Causing my brother and me to look straight ahead in Aang's direction.

What I saw seemed utterly fascinating and, yet, perhaps a bit terrifying all at the same time.

No, it wasn't the temple itself that I was referring to. It was where the structure was built, right on a running volcano. Which is something, Aang never bothered to mention.

Katara:" Aang? Are you sure that this is the place?" I asked him. Feeling uncertain about all of this once again.

Aang:" Yeah, this is it. The same place Roku spirit guide took me to the other day when I was in the spirit world."

Sokka:" Oh all the places your past life wanted to talk to you. It had to be at a volcano...How fitting." Sokka spoke with a hint of sarcasm in his voice. I soon started to shake Y/N awake. As we slowly approached a landing spot, hidden from the view of the temple.

"Y/N?" I said gently for the third time, trying to wake him. Thankfully, he does so, and I soon noticed that his eyes began to slowly open. "Katara? " Y/N said. As he sat upright rubbing his eyes awake.

Katara: "We're here."

" Did you...put me on your lap?"

" I did. I thought it would be better, that's all." I explained somewhat truthfully. Y/N didn't say anything, only letting out a quiet hum before he soon jumped off to the saddle; which in turn, caused me to do so as well.

Katara: "Hold on. How are feeling?" I asked him with worry in my voice. As he now looked
at the temple, while still keeping himself hidden behind the boulder.

Y/N: "Out of all the places, this temple could have been at. It had to be at an active volcano." Y/N said out loud to himself, as he was looking at the volcano; once again ignoring me.

Katara: " Hey?" I called out. As I tugged on his shoulder this time, to get his attention.

Y/N:" Yeah Katara? "

Katara:" Didn't you hear me?"

Y/N:" Oh, sorry no I didn't."

Katara:" I asked you, how we're you feeling."

Oh? I'm good, as I'll be at the moment. " he spoke calmly.

Katara:" Meaning?" I asked. Wanting him to be a bit more specific.

Y/N:" Well, my arm stopped trembling, thankfully and my head feels fine after that nap. So, I should be fine."

I knew he wasn't, far from it actually. From his head practically feeling warm, where I almost began to think he was coming down with a fever, the same can be said about his arm; I felt it shaking for an hour or so but thankfully they both subsided before we came here. In fact, if I wanted to be completely honest with myself. I would have preferred if he just stayed behind this time around, and away from the possible chance of being captured, but in the end, I knew him better.

Katara x male reader A Duo's destiny ATLA Where stories live. Discover now