Two challengers and one crazy king

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Aang POV:

You know, not how I imagine this day would start off. No, wait, scratch that. I never expected any of this to began with, being frozen for 100 years because of well, "reasons". Only to wake up and find out that the Fire nation is now raging war against the rest of the world.

An, I am probably the only person in the world that could possibly put a stop to it. but, before I could do that. I needed to beat this king's three "deadly" challenges. All because he found out I was the Avatar. The only reason why I wanted to come here, was so I could ride on Omashu's delivery shoot again with my three new best friends. And it was great, as it kinda reminded me of all those great times I had with Bumi, along with those great adventures I had with Kuzon. I missed them, I miss everybody. Huh, talk about a reality check.

"Okay, back on topic." I just beat this king first challenge. I had to retrieve some key for his supposed lunch box. From a waterfall, it looked simple, but it surprisingly wasn't. Especially since I didn't have my glider staff with me. Yeah, I really had to think on that one, and quick. luckily I figured it out, who knew that throwing a sharp rock at the key, towards the king would be the answer.

Anyway, one challenge down, and only two more left to go. As far as I know, even though I just beat the first challenge, I still needed to cautious about the second one. Who knows what it could be, at least, that 's what I thought anyway.

King:" I've seemed to have lost my pet flopsy, can you both be so kind as to find him for me?"
Yeah, it's another retrieval challenge, only this time, instead of me finding flopsy in some death trap room. It, in some kinda small arena.

Y/N:" Are you serious?"

King:" quite serious. In fact, I haven't seen my little flopsy in weeks. The guards say he was last seen down in that arena." I took a deep breath, before letting out a large sigh.

Aang:" let's just get this over with. Are you ready Y/N? "

Y/N:" If by ready, you mean I could finally get away from the guard's death stares, then yes, I am ready. Just as we were about to jump down to the arena. It seems like the king decided to say something.

King:" Oh, before I forget. You two are also not allowed to use your bending for this challenge, offensively and, ...defensively.

I was really confused by that. I mean, he said it as if there was something else down there. And,  it seems like Y/N thought the same, as we both looked at each other for a moment.

Y/N &  Aang:" Okay?" we both said sounding confused before jump down in the arena.

Y/N:" Okay Aang, we might find  Flopsie a lot faster if we split-

Aang: "Found him. " I then pointed towards Flopsie.

 " I then pointed towards Flopsie

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Y/N:" well, that was easy." he shrugs his shoulders while following behind Aang.

Aang:" come on, let go. The sooner we get this done, the closer we are in freeing Sokka and Katara." I said, as started to run towards flopsy, with Sparky close behind.

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