Ahoy! A Water Scroll

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After the gang barely managed to escape Avatar Roku's dissolving temple, deep within fire nation. They continued on their journey to the Northern water tribe, where everything went on as normal for everyone, well, almost everyone.

While Sokka sat in the front this time, flying Appa. Katara and Y/N sat in the saddle staring up at Aang, both of which were feeling a little concerned, as they watch him pace back and forth, looking completely freaked out about something. It was obvious to all of them, that he was still thinking about what Avatar Roku told him a few days ago.

Y/N: "Aang? I know you're worried and all, but don't you think you should just sit down, while you're unnerving yourself like that again?"

Sokka:" Yeah, because if we hit a bump or something you'll just go flying off."

Katara:" Are you still thinking about what Avatar Roku told you Aang?"

Aang:" well yeah! What else would I be thinking about?"Aang said abruptly, as he finally stopped pacing himself.

Y/N:" Aang relax, you have until next summer before the comet comes."

Aang:" How can you say that Y/N!? I still need to master the three other elements, before the comet arrives. Which is almost eight months away!"

Y/N:" Aang?"

Sokka:" hold on Y/N. Let's see if I got this right. You already mastered Air Bending, which actually only took you one hundred and twelve years to master, right Aang?" Sokka soon had a sly smirk on his face after he said that.

Aang:" well yeah, but-"

Sokka:" Then you're fine Aang, 'trust me' and at the rate, you're going; I'm 'totally sure' you can master the other elements in no time." Aang clearly didn't look too convinced.

Aang:" Why do I get the feeling your being sarcastic?!"

"because he is Aang." Y/N clarified. Which in turn caused Aang to freak out even more. "This is serious you guys. I haven't even started water bending, and we're still at least weeks away from the North pole! Like seriously, what am I going to do!?"

"Calm down Aang. Everything is going to be okay." Katara said. As she sat him down once again, trying to calm his nerves. "If you want, I can probably teach you some of the stuff I know."

"You do that for me?" Aang said. Clearly excited about Katara's idea.

Katara:" uh-huh. Now then, we just have to find us a nice source of water first."

"That shouldn't be too hard. Maybe we can find a nice little puddle for you two to 'splash in'." Sokka said. As continued to be sarcastic about Aang's situation again. Which by the way, Katara and Aang simply ignored, as they looked down below, hoping to find a nice source of water.

Y/N:" Well then, this should definitely be an interesting day." Y/N thought to himself. As he lazily looked up at the sky. 

After thirty minutes or so, Katara and Aang did eventually find themselves a nice source of water; and it wasn't just some measly puddle, that Sokka was secretly hoping for. It was in fact, a river; that the three of them were all currently staring at. As they were also surrounded by a forest of trees, with rocky Mountains and a massive, yet beautiful waterfall.

" Wow, nice puddle," Sokka said sarcastically. As he clearly looked unamused by the view that he was currently seeing. Whereas Katara and Aang both looked ecstatic.

Aang:" I know right? It almost makes me want to go for a swim." just as he said that. They all then see Appa fly-in the water.

Katara:" Don't forget why here Aang."

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