Fishing trip

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Five days, five days since we've all left Omashu flying on Appa and getting back on track to the north pole. Five days and yet, I still had eaten real food! I mean come on, it is been five days and there's still no sign of a town nearby!  I'm so tired of eating berries, and I know everyone else is too. Except maybe Aang, because of him being a vegetarian and all.

So I decided that today, I would wake up early in the morning, head out deep in the woods with Sokka to help him find some food. However, we didn't end up sticking together. As we ended up going, in different directions, halfway through our hunting trip. As he didn't want to stray too far from camp.

So, while Sokka goes off hunting for the usual appetizers. I decided to go venture out further into the woods in hopes of finding a lake, where I could at least catch the main course, which is fish.

Y/N:" ahh, I made it ." I said as I finally found the lake.

" I said as I finally found the lake

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Y/N:" huh, nice view." I said admiring the view of the lake. "Okay, time to catch some fish." I soon started to walk around the lake, with my handmade spear in my hand, hoping to catch something. "I mean, it shouldn't be that hard, right?"  Now then, how steep is the lake? "

Timeskip Katara Pov:

Aang:" Man, I'm so hungry. How much longer do you think it would be until they get back katara? " he asked me.

Katara: " they should be back soon, they did leave in the morning after all. " I said without looking at him. As I'm currently packing up the rest of my things.

Aang:" Hey look katara, Sokka back! "

Huh,..good timing you two. I thought for a moment. As I soon started to get up, walking towards my brother. As I was hoping he found something else besides berries.

Katara:" please tell me you guys got something that resembles "real food" this time Sokka?" I asked my brother feeling hopeful that he did. I also noticed that Y/N wasn't with him.

Sokka:" I actually did find something else besides berries, maybe even better than-

Katara: "where's Y/N? "

Sokka:" we decided to split up. He went off to the lake we saw on our way over here, to try and catch some fish. " Sokka was about to look back in the bag until I asked him another question.

Katara:" And you didn't go with him?" I asked him curiously, while also being a little concerned. Sokka sighs before answering.

Sokka: "no I didn't, and that only because I didn't want to be too far away from camp. You know, because of the Fire Nation. "

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