Fire nation Revelation

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As of right now Aang and I are packing all our stuff on Appa. With Sokka still sleeping & Y/N getting water from the lake nearby. Aang clearly showing me his excitement on heading back home after all this time.

Katara: I just hope Aang is ready for truth, maybe I can help understand the Airbender situation. If I explain it to him, without really telling him.

Aang:Wait until you see it katara, the Air temple is one of the beautiful places in the world.

Katara:Aang I know your excited but it's been 100 years since your been home.

Aang:That why I'm so excited, to see what changed.

I just accepted his answer for now, seeing how I couldn't bring myself to tell him the truth just yet. I than see Y/N walking back towards us with water from the lake.

Y/N:Hey guys, I got the all the water containers filled. Are we all set?

Aang:almost we just gotta wake up sokka and we're good to go.

Y/N:(Sighs) I got him

I see Aang jump off of Appa standing between Y/N and sokka.

Aang:Don't worry I got sokka N/N(laughs)

I see Y/N have a annoyed look on his face before letting out a sighs. While I'm smirking at Y/N.

Y/N: what happened to getting to know each other first before you start calling me that Aang?!

Aang:I mean I thought we were already friends     N/N, seeing how I was able to get your necklace back. And that wasn't easy you know.

Y/N: hmmm.... I guess that fair. Just don't overdo it please?

Katara:Oh come on Y/N you have no problem with me calling you that.

Y/N: That because I've known you all my life katara and I only met Aang for a few days! You also know I don't really like that name.

I had to laugh when Y/N said this because I know he may act like he hates the name but I he doesn't.

Katara:Suuurrre you do N/N

I see Y/N was going to say something but stops himself and looks down then back at Aang.

Y/N:(Long sigh)Jus..just go wake sokka and lets go see that temple.

Aang:Sure thing N/N!


I see Y/N get on Appa and sit all the way in the back still having that look on his with his arms crossed facing away from me.

Katara: Ahh come on Y/N lighten up, this is good bonding between friends that all.

Y/N:I guess kat

I was about to say something until we both heard sokka screaming

Sokka:Get it off!, get it off!, get it off!

Aang:Alright good, sokka awake guys. Now we can go to the southern air temple.

Sokka:oh come on Aang!

Small Timeskip

As katara sit upfront with Aang I'm currently sitting in the back with sokka who is currently trying to find food to satisfy his hungry stomach.

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