Feast with the king, sleep in the cells

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Well, this day has certainly been an interesting one for me, and the others. I mean, Aang said that we would only be here for an hour or two at most. Then we would all be on our way to the North Pole. He said riding the delivery shoots are going to be fun, that we won't get into too much trouble, oh boy was he wrong. Well, more about the "not" getting caught part to be more specific.

It was definitely a lot of fun, terrifying and maybe little painful. And that's only because Aang did kick me in the face during our ride. As we all did keep on crashing into things but, it was fun regardless. However, like all fun things, there are always bound to be consequences. I mean let's be honest here. The four of us did come inside Omashu using fake names, broke one of their delivery shoots, destruction of property and we also destroyed cart full of cabbages. Which by the way, was actually owned by the same guy, we saw earlier. which is weird if I'm being honest. I mean I could've sworn I saw this guy's cart full of cabbages get destroyed.  Oh and the guards took away all our stuff.

Currently, all of us including momo are on our knees right in front of the earth king himself.
Who by the way, looks really ancient. With one of the guards standing in front of us explaining our crimes.

Guard:" Your majesty, these juveniles are arrested for vandalism, traveling under false names and Malicious destruction of cabbages.

Guard 2:" I should've known those names were fake. This one couldn't even say his "last name" the guard said looking directly at me.

Y/N:" it not, my fault Aang picked an overly complicated name." I thought to myself, as I discreetly started to look at Aang. Who is on my right, right next to sokka. Only to stop as I felt katara elbowing me on my ribs. As if she knew what I was thinking. After she did this, I immediately started to look at the king again.

Guard 1:" What is your judgment sire?

Cabbage guy:" Off with there heads! One for each head of cabbage!

Katara:" that a bit extreme, especially for a couple of "juveniles"! Katara whispered to me worriedly. To which I nod in agreement, feeling even more nervous now.

Y/N:" Please don't agree with this guy's idea, if he does though. Aang and I might have to bust our way out of here."  I thought to myself. As we all hear the guard speak again.

Guard 1:" Silents! Only the king can pass judgment. Sire? "

I immediately started looking to my left, as I didn't want to look at the earth king. As he begins to stare at us one by one before deciding our fates. Upon doing this however, not only did I hear what sounded like sokka quivering. But I also see katara giving the king "the look" that said please let us off hook.

King:" throw them!

Y/N:" in the Dungeon with hungry man eating badger moles?!" I thought more to myself, as I felt the king was taking his time deciding our fates.

King:" A feast!

It was completely silent at least until.

Y/N:"Wait what!? I said out loud as I stared right at the king again. Unsure if I heard him correctly, and it seemed everyone else thought the same.

Guard:"uh...could you repeat that again sire?

King:"Throw them a feast" he repeated ."Oh and make sure you tell the chief to cook skinless chicken this time. Its quite delicious if I do say so myself." After he said this he starts to laugh hysterically. As everyone else excluding the cabbage guy looks at him in utter confusion.

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