Inner turmoil*

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N/A: let's get this chapter over with. I kept you all waiting long enough. Enjoy

Katara's Pov:

"So Sokka and Y/N apologized?" I asked Jet in disbelief as I walked alongside him near the lake in the forest, with Aang following behind me.

"Yeah, I could hardly believe it myself." Jet admitted. "I got the sense that maybe you guys probably talk to them or something?"

"Well, I did most of the talking," I admitted.

"More like you scold them," Aang said.

"Aang!" I called out, embarrassed that he would admit that out loud right in front of Jet. Fortunately, Jet seemed to laugh it off, making me uneasy as I remembered how I didn't exactly leave my scolding, as Aang put it, with my brother and Y/N on the best of terms.

"Well, whatever you said to them, Katara, it clearly must've gotten to the two of them." Jet said.

"Right; they both can be stubborn sometimes," I said.

"Where are they anyway?" Aang asked Jet.

"Sokka went on a scouting mission with Pipsqueak and Smeller Bee, which should be for a few hours, while Y/N agreed to go hunting with Sneer. I think they'll be gone for a few days." Jet explained.

"Let's hope it's not a fishing trip because Sneer might need more than a few days with Y/N as a fishing buddy," Aang admitted, laughing.

"A few days? That's a little unusual." I asked, surprised, as I wondered why Y/N would agree to do something like that without telling me. Jet seemed to pick up on my confusion.

"He said something about giving you space after your talk with him yesterday." Jet explained

"Oh, I see," I said, turning away from Jet.

Just then. I soon felt a rumbling below my feet, only to see Aang get pushed up in the air, as it looked like he stood on top of a geyser.

"We're here," Jet said, pointing toward a dozen geysers before Aang and me.

"Why did you bring us here again, Jet?" I asked.

"These geysers have a lot of water that wants to come out. I need you two to help bring out the water to fill the reservoir down this river." Jet explained.

"I don't know if I can." I began to admit. "I mean, I never moved water that was underground before." I soon felt Jet place his arms on my shoulder. I'm embarrassed to admit that I became flustered hearing what he told me next.

" I know that you can do this, Katara." Jet encouraged.

"What about me, Jet?" I heard Aang ask.

"Now I know the Avatar can do this," Jet added.

Aang and I only looked at each other briefly to synchronize our stances, moving our arms upwards a few times together, as I soon felt the water underneath the geysers rise above and into the river.

"We did it, Aang!" I said, amazed at our accomplishment.

"Yeah, we did!" Aang agreed.

"That's great, you two," Jet said. "A few more geysers and the reservoir will be all set."

"There's another geyser over there, Katara." I heard Aang say.

"Just keep it up, you guys. I'll go check on things at the reservoir." Jet said.

"When we're finished here, Aang and I will catch up with you and the others at the reservoir," I said. I saw Jet stop before he turned around to look at me.

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