Island of Kyoshi

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Y/N Pov:

it been two days since we left from Air temple. We even made a stop at a small town called Nonju. Just yesterday where I was able to get some ingredients. I needed to make smoke bombs and I even got some scrolls based around medicine & plants of any kind needed to make them.

As of right now,I'm currently sharping my sword. While Sokka is trying to help Aang find an island. He said something about wanting to go riding on some fish earlier and katara is currently sewing up Sokka's pants. Aang decided to scare Sokka awake again,only this time his pants ripped in his panic.

Sokka:you have no idea where we are, do you?

Aang:Well I know the island near water, that something right?

Sokka:Since you put like that, I guess we're getting close than.

Y/N:Have some faith will you Sokka. I'm sure Aang knows where he's taking us, he is the Avatar after all.

Sokka:(Sighs) it not like I have anything better to do anyway. Even though he made me ripped my pants!

Aang:I scared you awake before, I didn't think your pants would be affected this time sokka.

Sokka then stops looking at the map and looks at me annoyed. While I'm still sharpening my sword.

Sokka:Do you really expect me to have faith in a kid Y/N?

Y/N:Got any better ideas sokka?

Sokka:Yes! But I need my pants first before the ideas can come!


Katara:I'm doing my best here Sokka be patient.

Sokka:I am, blame shocker over here he started it!

That when I stopped sharpening my sword to look at Sokka. After I heard him called me that.

Y/N:Really sokka shocker?!

Sokka: why not? those two got names for you. What about me?

Y/N: HN!

I than start sharpening my sword a lot faster now that I'm feeling annoyed . I than hear Aang ask momo for his marbles. He said he wanted to show katara a new Airbending trick he's been working on. When I hear him showing her the trick. It seems like she not paying attention.

Y/N:bad timing airhead,hmm..... I kinda like that name for some weird reason.(meh) What about Sokka now huh.... Ponytail?

Katara:(still sewing)It great Aang?

Aang: you didn't even look.

After Aang said that I quickly say something to maybe help cheer him up.

Y/N:I saw it and thought it looked cool.

Aang:Y/N you can't even see from back there and I already showed you this trick yesterday.

Y/N:Well I tried

Sokka: I guess?

Katara: I said it looked great Aang?

Aang: but I'm not doing it anymore.

Sokka:Stop bugging her airhead, you need to give girls some space when they do their sewing.

I stopped and put away my sword in the case after I heard him saying this. I soon lean my back on the saddle. Knowing full well an argument is about to start.

Y/N: let see if sokka gonna die this time. Also airhead does sound promising now, thanks Sokka.

Katara:What dose me being a girl have to do with sewing hmm?

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