The avatar & the lighting bender?

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Katara pov:

As of right now me, Aang and Y/N are all currently running are way to the village. I'm currently feeling anxious the second I see that we're approaching the wall and I see sokka standing at the entrance. With the villagers right behind him with Gran Gran. They really don't look very happy especially sokka. I than see him approaching us,but looking directly at Aang 

Sokka:I knew you couldn't be trusted, you signaled the fire nation with that flare didn't you?!

That when I decided to intervene, to hopefully help them understand that it was just an accident.

Katara:It wasn't Aang fault it was acci...

Before I could finish sokka interrupted me by question my answer than turn his attention to Y/N

Sokka:An accident really?!...I thought you said you keep an eye on them Y/N?! To avoid things like this!

Me and Y/N we're both about to say something until Aang decided to speak

Aang: it wasn't Katara or Y/N fault, it was mine. I'm the one that wanted to go aboard that ship(looks down)...despite theses two warning me

Sokka:So the traitor confess, everyone away from the enemy!? You are herby banished from the village traitor!

Katara:I can't believe this right now!?

I tried to come up with a solution to make sokka and the others change their minds on this hasty decision. As I say this however I see that Y/N isn't saying anything. He's just looking down on the snow looking depressed.

Katara:Sokka I think you're making a mistake!

Sokka: No I'm keeping my promise to dad, by protecting you from threats like him

Katara:Aang is not our enemy, can't you see Aang's brought us something we haven't in a long time fun.

Sokka:Katara... you know as well as I do you can't fight fire benders with fun

As sokka said, Y/N still hasn't said anything

Katara: and right now I could really use some support right about now.

Katara: Y/N! clearly you don't agree with what sokka is saying right?!

Y/N:(Sighs) Katara.....I really doubt what I say, will make a difference, beside sokka isn't the only who swore to protect you and this tribe.

Katara:So that it!, your just gonna turn your back on Aang, after what he's done for you

I saw him looked slightly hurt after I said that. But at this moment I wasn't at all that concerned about that. Seeing how my best friend didn't  even want to help me

Y/N:Katara you know thats not what I really wanna do, but you can't expect me to pick  Aang over the tribe

I tried as a last resort to try and convince gran gran to say otherwise

Katara:Grandmother please don't let sokka do this

But just like everyone else she said the same thing that Aang must go, so I did the only thing that I thought felt right.

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