Girls can be warriors too

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As I'm heading outside to catch up with Sokka to the kyoshi warriors training ground. I look and see a large group of girls standing outside. They all seemed excited for some reason. I see one of the girls approaching me. I believe her name is coco.

Coco:excuses me,uh mr.candle lighter sir?

Y/N:Oh come on,candle lighter now?

Y/NUm yes?

Coco:Is Aang still inside?

Y/N:Yes he is, although think Aang still might be eating and also my is name...

Before I can finish coco goes back to the group of girls looking back up towards the window.

Coco: I told you he still inside chiyo? Candle boy said so,Aang!!

Y/N:What with people... you know what I'm just gonna be leaving now.

Despite the fact that I'm getting a little irritated. I proceed to go catch up with Sokka. On his so called expedition of restoring his pride as a man.

As I'm walking around kyoshi island, trying to catch up to sokka. I look around the shops in kyoshi island. I see some of the villagers looking at me and whispering towards each other about something, I even see some of the boys looking at me curiously.

Y/N:Do these people here seriously do not trust me? Even after Aang told everyone I'm not with the fire nation?

Y/N:(whispered tone)calm down Y/N maybe I'm overthinking this. Maybe they're all just surprised, to find out that I'm the lighting bender. Just like how everyone was surprised, to see the Avatar returning to the world yesterday.

Y/N:except I'm not getting bothered by anyone, like aang is.

I quickly shake the thought out of my head. As I see sokka up ahead. I can faintly hear him mumbling angrily about something.
As well as hearing girls screaming behind me for Aang.

Y/N:looks like he's still mad about yesterday, this outta be fun

I than decided to call out to him. As I see he almost there at the training area.

Y/N: hey sokka, wait up!

Sokka:Y/N? Why are you, you know what that doesn't matter. I need you to hit me in the face!

I look at him with a baffling expression as it took me a moment to process. On what he said just now.

Y/N: Why would you want me to do that?

Sokka:(Sighs) I need to warm up on my reflexes because their is absolutely no way I'm gonna let a bunch of girls,out do a warrior like me!

Y/N:Shouldn't you be, of I don't know impressed that you found out that girls can be warriors too sokka?

Sokka:those girls have no right to call themselves warriors, especially since they all just snuck up on us.

Y/N:Sokka I think...

Sokka:sneak attacks don't count. A true warrior fight his opponent head on. Not hide up on a tree like a coward. I thought you were taught this already Y/N.

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