Girl power

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N/A:So his came out longer then expected...sorry guys enjoy.

Sokka Pov:
It has been almost an hour. Since I became Suki' "pupil" for the day. She has been teaching me the art Tessenjutsu I believe is what she called it. She also helping me work on my stance as well as my reflexes too.

As for Y/N and Nashi, they both decided to practice outside instead. Y/N insisted on this, believing that Suki and I needed the dojo more than they did. Not wanting to disturb or distract us, while helping Nashi improve on her swordsmanship.

You know, despite training with Suki for about an hour I'm actually starting to get used to wearing this ridiculous dres... I mean warriors uniform. An if I'm being completely honest with myself, I think I'm starting to get the hang of this. Who knows, I might to master this technique in one day.

Suki:"you're not gonna master it in one day,even I'm not that good.

Sokka:"Thanks for the confidence boost suki. I thought, as I was still trying to prove Suki wrong.

Sokka:Hold on, I think I'm starting to get it.

I began to copy the movement suki showed me earlier,trying my best to get it right but instead I ended up throwing my fan outside toward Nashi and Y/N. As they were currently clashing their swords with each other. However they both seem reacted quickly, as they then moved away from each other. Allowing my fan to hit the tree, knocking down some snow in the process.

Y/N:"hey, watch it!

Sokka:"sorry guys! I apologize to them quickly. As I then see Suki looking outside where I threw my fan.

Nashi:Don't worry about Sokka, I'll get it.

Suki:it not about strength you know.

Sokka:I know that Suki. I said quickly to her. As I didn't want to hear Suki lecturing me again.

Suki then shake her head in disbelief. After a moment or so Nashi then comes inside and gives Suki back the fan I threw out early.

Suki:Clearly you don't sokka,thanks Nashi.

Nashi:"Anytime suki,later sokka.

As she was about to head back outside with
Y/N currently waiting for her. However before she left,I see her smiling for a moment. Before facing us again.

Nashi:"you know sokka,you could've just told us to keep it down. After all, like Suki has stated no one that good. So please reframe yourself from making any rash decision,especially ones that may cause
harm towards others.

Before I could even say something,Y/N decided to jump in the conversation.

Y/N:she right you know,you gotta learn patient. It's the key to learning new things in life sokka. At this point, all I wanted to do was groan in annoyance. After hearing all these lectures but refrained myself from doing so.

Sokka:You know what,why don't you two just go back doing your little sword play. They proceed to laugh a little,before they both went back outside to continue their training.

Nashi:"Alright later.

Y/N:"Alright later you two, oh and remember sokka patient.

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