A Spiritual Knockout

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"Remind me again on why exactly, you bought this 'demon' mask and that spiritual book,
Y/N? " Sokka asked me. As he was looking at the mask that I bought at the village, two days after, Aang and Sokka's cold fest. As we were all currently on Appa flying our way to the North Pole.

"Why do you keep asking? " I asked him. As I was currently reading said book

Sokka:" you never struck me as a guy who would ever collect these things. " I took a deep breath, As I now once again had to explain everything.

Y/N:" As I told you before Sokka." I bought the mask because I thought it looked cool. Especially, with the spirit its meant to represent. The spirit of negative energy."

Sokka: "well, you are a bit moody at times. So, I can see why you would buy it. Even though I still think it's a piece of junk, and You're just wasting money." Sokka then tosses me back the mask, right after he said that.

Y/N:" Your one to talk. " I said. As I slowly started to get irritated.

Sokka:" what? All I'm saying is that. You paid three silver pieces for a mask.

Y/N:" And? "

Sokka: "A mask, you clearly won't be wearing or needing, anytime soon. If anything, that mask is just useless junk! " I soon stopped reading once again after hearing that.

Y/N:" HN, says the one who always tries to buy a new boomerang, for no apparent reason; and if being honest with you. I sometimes think of those as junk. " I remarked, as I soon put the mask away.

Sokka:" What? boomerangs are not junk! If anything, I'd say they are a very useful weapons in a fight. Also, while we're at it! What are you going to do with that mask anyway? " As Y/N and Sokka, once again began to argue with each other about something completely pointless. It soon drew Aang and Katara attention to watch.

Aang:" hey katara? "

Katara:" yeah Aang? "

Aang:" is it weird, that for some reason, I kind of enjoy watching Sokka and Y/N bicker?" Aang whispered to Katara as they both begin to watch how everything would play out this time, between Sokka and Y/N.

Katara:" not really. It's like we're watching a bad, but surprisingly funny play. If that makes any sense. "

Aang:" I think so? "

Y/N:" I asked you first. Why do you always feel the need to buy boomerangs? Even though you already have one, that's fully functional?" Are you trying to become a symbol or something? Huh, 'Captain boomerang? "

Sokka:" You never know when a spare might come in handy. So, with that being said; Why did you feel the need to buy a mask? Do you want to be the symbol of fear or something, hmm 'Mr? Negative? " I knew Sokka was only kidding, so I decided to humor the idea.

Y/N:" Maybe I do, maybe I don't. Anything to keep the fire nation on their toes. Is enough for me. "

Katara:" you two sound like you want to become vigilantes or something? Katara said as she now wanted to put an end to this dispute. While she also began to stare down at the clouds. Sokka then pulls me by the shoulder. As he began to add more to the idea, both of us forgetting about our other conversation.

Sokka:" You got that right. Captain Boomerang and his sidekick, Mr. Negative will be known as the feared and courageous Duo this world, would ever know! "

Aang:" More than me? "

Sokka:" yeah, probably. You'll just be-"

Y/N:" wait a minute!? " I said out loud. As I pried his arm off my shoulder.  "Why am I the sidekick? " I asked, as suddenly remembered Sokka's last statement.

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