We're going on a hunt*

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N/A: 05/07/2018 originally posted, to 02/27/2020 re-edited

Enjoy the much cleaner version of the first chapter of this older story. My new and old readers

Y/N pov:

Do you know what I hate about morning? Other than it being cold all the time. I mean, I've eventually gotten used to the South Pole weather, obviously; been living here for fifteen years of my life. Anyway, that's beside the point. My tent is right next to Sokka's, and that's bad for a few reasons; one is because the guy snores loudly. 'Like Ugh' I can't get a 'wink' of sleep without covering my ears.

Second, I think I can smell his socks from here. How is that even possible!? I could've sworn Katara washed his socks not that long ago. Yet, it smells like they haven't been cleaned in 'months.' "Oh, spirits. Please give me the strength not to kill this smelly 'creature' out of existence." I whispered. I clutched onto my mother's half-moon-shaped necklace, which was around my neck and loosely lying on my chest.

I no longer see the point in sleeping anymore. I proceeded to get myself up and dressed as quickly as possible; without even bothering to turn on the lantern. Thankfully I placed my clothes in a brown basket this time last night, where they remained reasonably warm.

Once that is done. I then made sure to put my necklace inside my coat before leaving. However, just before I do so. I soon decided to look closer at the chain, particularly the blue heart-shaped crystal, as I stared at the faint glow illuminating my hand.

"Hey, mom. I'm sorry if I woke you. It's just that, well, Sokka's socks are becoming unbearable right now. So, what better way to deal with the problem? By getting some fresh air, right?" I soon shook my head in disbelief as it suddenly dawned on me what I was doing. Most people would probably think I'm crazy for talking to a necklace like it was a person, but then again, can you blame me?

Soon after, I eventually steered my way outside, realizing it was still early in the morning when everybody from our village was still asleep—still seeing the night sky and sun barely peeking from the bottom of the mountains.

Then as I look ahead of me, I see Katara standing on top of a built wall; made by none other than her brother. "Waiting for the sunrise, I bet." I thought.

Katara pov:

Today is the day. The last sunrise of the year, and soon after that, winter will begin, leaving the south pole with sixty-one days of shorter daylights, longer nightfalls, and even a much colder climate than usual. "Better make the most out of today, and pray the spirits to offer us a fair winter this year."

After a brief silence, I then begin to hear footsteps behind me. How odd, considering no one really wakes up this early other than me. Well, me and sometimes-

" I don't know how you can sleep inside that cold tent of yours, and not go pale on me kat?" I soon began to roll my eyes as I realized who that was. "You sure not related to some kind of 'frost' spirit or something?" well, it's good to know he's up. A little, earlier than usual though.

"says the one who seems to have a habit of causing massive avalanches near the mountains. Are you sure your not an earth bender? N/N?" I replied. As Y/N now stood right next to me, on the wall.

"Oh, come on Katara!?" Y/N whined. "Do you have to call me that?"

"You started it." I stated. Y/N sighs.

"would you prefer I called you 'Sedna' instead Kat?"

"What did you call me?!" I said angrily. As I began to wonder why he named called me after an evil spirit.

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