Avatar's sick day

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N/A: Don't blow it and Water wars. Are the mini-comics I used to help make this chapter, enjoy


Just another early morning resting in the wood. Where it's only been two days since the four of us helped Haru and the Earth Benders, gained their freedom back. Two days since Katara lost her mother's necklace. She told us not to worry about it, especially me.

" Morning Kat. " I said to her. As I began to slowly wake up from a dreamless night. In my sleeping bag, and at the smell of food being cooked.

Katara:" morning Y/N. " Katara said. While not taking her eyes off the stew.

Sokka:" morning guys. " Sokka said, while he also began to yawn loudly from his sleep.
" something smells good. "

Katara:" Good morning Sokka, and give me a second. I'm just about done with the stew."

Sokka:" oh good, I'm starving. "

Y/N:" Of course you are. What else is- "

Sokka:" it's too early for that, don't start! " I soon started to laugh a little to myself, after I heard him say that. Once I've calmed down. I soon began to roll up my sleeping bag. "where's Aang? " Sokka soon asked. As he begins to realize, that it is awfully quiet, this morning.

Katara:" oh he's, huh? He is still asleep actually. " Katara said sounding surprised as well. As she soon started to water bend the stew in four bowls.

Y/N:" huh? That's weird, he's usually the first one up right? "

Katara:" Yes, he is." she said slowly. Before she quickly remembered the food. "Oh, and the foods ready guys. "

"Hey, Aang? Breakfast is ready!" I called out to him. As he was sleeping on Appa's saddle last night.

Aang:" morning already? " I heard Aang say. Before he soon jumps off the saddle and lands himself on the ground, next to Sokka. As soon as we see him. That when we all noticed his appearance. As he looked pretty pale, and it seems like he had a stuffy nose.

Katara:" Aang? Are you alright? " Katara asked in a worried tone.

Aang:" yeah, totally. Why do you ask? " Aang said, but his voice sounded a bit husked, as well. I soon started to move away from him, with my breakfast in hand. As I soon realized that Aang, was now sick.

Katara:" Well, it's just that- "

Sokka:" you look awful." right after he said that. He also moved away from him, as well. Which only made Aang shrug off, Sokka's response.

Aang:" Guys, don't worry about it. It's only the small case of the sniffles. No big..." before Aang could finish his sentence. He let a massive sneeze. So massive in fact, that he immediately catapulted himself in the air. Where katara soon began to shirk in surprise, as she soon started to covered her face, hoping to herself she wouldn't catch his cold; And to my surprise. Aang sneeze was so massive, it not only blew the pot of stew away. The airwaves also blew away, Sokka and my food, in our faces.

Y/N:" well, there goes our breakfast and holy spirits! This burns! "

I soon started to wipe my face to ease the burning pain on my face. As I do so. I soon hear Aang landing back on the ground, where our campsite was now destroyed. Heck, I even saw momo take refuge on Appa. Who also looked terrified at what just happened.

Aang:" Sorry guys! " Aang said in an apologetic tone.

Sokka:" well, looks like being frozen in that iceberg has finally, caught up with him. "Sokka said in an unamused tone. As he was cleaning off all the food that landed on him.

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