100 years/ and Penguins

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Katara: POV
I was starting to get worried because Y/N still hasn't come back yet. Especially because of the avalanche I heard last night. Even though it was still miles away from the dojo. I just can't help but worry is all.

After I woke up aang and introduced him to the village. so he can show them that he actually an Airbender. He started off by flying in the air with his glider. I really wanted to watch but my concern over my best friend weighted over my excitement. So I decided to head over to the dojo myself. To make sure nothing serious happened to him.

As I was beginning to leave the walls of the village. I see what appears to be a figure out in the distance. Holding what looks like a bag over his shoulder and who has S/C and            L/H/C. Than that when I realize it was Y/N. Than I instantly started running towards him.

As I was making my way back to the village. I started to get pretty nervous, the closer I got. Cause knowing katara, she clearly worrying about me right now.

As I getting close to the village. It's than I see katara running towards me with a worried expression on her face(here we go)

Katara: Y/N!!
Y/N:Morning Katara

She doesn't say anything thing, other than just giving me a hug. To which I return the hug as well. Leaving both of us to embrace each other. I get this wired feeling of comfort.
I'm not sure why though.

We stay like that for a few more seconds until she lets go and ask me the one question I was dreading.

Katara:please tell me you didn't stay up all night Y/N??

Ahh man, if I try to lie, it be so much worse and she gets really scary even if I tried.

Y/N:(Sighs) I won't lie, I did pretty much did stay up all night, but not on my sword skills.

I see katara fold her arms in a serious manner as if she is suspecting something.

Katara:Oh,..than what we're you doing up all night. If you weren't working on your sword skills hmm.

I give her a small smile. As I then started waving my flute, in my left hand. Indicating that I was playing it again.

I then see her eyes light up with shock and forming a small. When she notice my gesture. She hasn't seen me play the flute in years. Not since my father died.

Y/N:I would've been here a lot sooner had I not been inspired to play again had I not seen the aurora in sky last night. Made me lose track of time (laughs sheepishly) sorry for making you worry kat.

Katara:I only worried because I heard the avalanche on the mountains last night. Than saw you weren't here. But I'm just glad to know you're safe Y/N.

We than started heading back to the village. Not really looking at each other before katara started another conversation.

Katara:I'm happy to see you playing the flute again Y/N. It been awhile since I've lasted seen you play it.

I than began to laugh sheepishly while rubbing the back of my (H/L/C)

Y/N: yeah I know, maybe it was the spirit who wanted me to see the aurora last night. As their way of telling me to play it at that moment.

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