The Two Sides Of The Same Name.

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N/A:I feel like you all are going to enjoy the ending a bit too much. Happy Independence Day everyone


"You got to be kidding me?" I thought as I stood fifteen feet from the Zhang Tribe, staring at the most 'rage'- inducing sight I had ever seen.

"Hey, Y/N. What up?" Sokka casually called out as I saw him eating a big piece of rib. Heck, from what I can see. They were all eating various types of foods.

"What up? What's up! Sokka? They?... She... You guys had food on you?!" I asked the Zhang lady with the pigtails, in total shock by what I saw.

"Sure do. Do you want one?" The Zhang leader said, offering me a sizable chicken leg. I was about to refuse, only to hear my stomach growling in hunger as I hadn't eaten anything since this morning.

"Sure," I muttered, lowering my head in shame before seating myself next to Sokka and eating my food.

"I know what you boys are thinking," the Zhang leader began. "It was all our fault that we were all stuck in this canyon, with the Canyon guide getting hurt, and that those entitled Gon Jin may not survive the night. I'm hoping for that last one," the lady admitted.

"Pretty much," I said bluntly.

"Totally," Sokka added as he continued to 'cannibalize' his ribs.

"Do you two think you can at least understand our situation before you start throwing out your accusations against us?" the Zhang leader asked. I sighed, having heard that.


"Do you two honestly think that those entitled Gon Jin aren't hoarding food for themselves?" The Zhang leader said.

"So what you're saying is that. You and your people are going off of a hunch that maybe the Gon Jin tribe is also hoarding food in this canyon. Even though the canyon guide instructed you to get rid of your food?" I asked.

"Trust me, kid." The Zhang leader said. "We've been dealing with these Gon Jins for years. They may seem polite, respectful, or even 'trustworthy' at first glance, but they're not. So, why should my tribe have to starve, knowing that those 'pampered' Gon Jin are hiding food in their robes?"

This lady doesn't like the Gon Jin if the bitterness in her voice was anything to go by. I thought.

"Well," I began to say, but the Zhang leader soon cut me off.

"Besides. We all still have weeks of traveling until we can reach Ba sing Sa's borders as refugees. Thanks to the Fire Nation and some guy who could bend lightning-like crazy!"

"You mean me?" I asked slowly. It soon became quiet for a few moments until the lady decided to speak again.

"Well, Yeah. I guess?" The women answered slowly. "The fire nation forced all of us out of our homes, and...we're all just doing what we need to survive, kid. That really, all I'm trying to say."

"I guess when you put it like that, I suppose I could understand," I said. I'm sorry if I sounded too 'crude' just now and for also telling you guys looked like savages earlier. I probably sounded like a hypocrite when I said that, which is ironic if I'm being honest with myself here." I soon shook my head in disbelief as I remembered what Katara told me earlier that day.

"That's extremely ironic, Y/N," Sokka added.

"Thanks 'buddy'," I said sarcastically.

"It's alright, kid. We have been called the worst. I'm sure you heard it all from the Gon Jin themselves."

"How did your conflict with the Gon Jin started anyway?" Sokka asked. The woman looked at him questionably for a moment.

I wouldn't mind hearing a story as I finish my ribs here." Sokka explained. The woman took a second to consider this.

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