A Tough emotional training

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N/A:I'm just putting both chapters together that all

As I'm currently making way towards the Dojo. I began to take a look around of my surrounding. Despite it being pretty cold, the sky seem pretty peaceful tonight. Clear sky's no sign of any wild polar bear dogs, or anything other than me.

Y/N:I really do enjoy long night walks like these. It makes feel at peace with myself. Actually the more think about. It reminds me of those days where dad would always wake me up dead at night to do some sword training, and hand to hand combat. Inside this very dojo

Y/N: I always hated it, thinking it was very dumb at the time. (Sighs) I shakes my head at the thought.

Once I get myself out of my thoughts. I see that I made It to the cave and inside this very place that my father Hanzo,Hakoda and few of the other men in this village built. My father thought it was necessary for the men in this village to have a place trained and a area to improve upon their skills. To which everyone at the time agreed too.

I than look around to where all the candles are placed on the walls. To which I than move my left hand a little to light up all the candles, with my nonexistent fire bending.

I than walk towards the cabinet and inside it was my sword and my combat outfit I personally made myself.

After I put on my gear on with my sword and daggers on me I than start heading back outside to start on my lighting but before I do

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After I put on my gear on with my sword and daggers on me I than start heading back outside to start on my lighting but before I do. I wanted to give my fire bending a go.

Y/N: (takes deep breaths)ok come on Y/N you can do this. I just have to focus. If I can do lightning like nothing then fire should come just as easy.
Once I feel I'm ready I than turn around seeing snow outside the entrance.

Y/N: I don't want to blow up the dojo after all, than they will for sure find out about my bending.

I than thrust my right arm out but nothing happens. Then my left, still nothing

Y/N: (breathing slowly)come on you got this.

I repeat the process again three more times still nothing. I than try kicking my feet in the air in a swinging motion same result.

Y/N: (annoyed tone) come on you can light candles and light Bombs just fine, but I can't shoot fire out of my fist or feet? Hell I even learned the fire bending fighting style Northern Shaolin and still nothing!!

I became even more annoyed just by thinking about it. Than proceed to get in a fighting stance. Than began to move as if I was fighting an opponent. Hoping that this would help, I was always a visual learner after all.

I began to try again a few more times,still the same result. To where I start losing my patience, letting my anger seep through with tears slowly coming down my S/C cheek.


I thrust my fist out of rage not realizing I'm facing the wall on my right side. Ten feet away from me. Instead of fire coming out of my fist. It was my orange lightning, that hit the wall. Causing my attack to knocking me to the other side of the wall hitting some of the practice weapons behind me. To than landing face first on the ground.

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