The Canyon walk*

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N/A: I Enjoyed writing this segment more than I thought I would. Enjoy


Hey, Y/N?! I got the food," Aang announced.

"I got the water and some extra wood for the fire, Aang," I replied, revealing the jug of water over my right shoulder while carrying the extra firewood. Aang and I decided to split up and scour the woods before nightfall, with Sokka and Katara setting up camp near one of the edges of a canyon cliff.

"I thought Katara was going to get the firewood?" Aang asked, looking puzzled while carrying the fruits and nuts.

"She was supposed to," I said. "Although," I paused momentarily, carefully choosing my words. "Don't tell her I told you this, but she tends to be a little... 'light' on her wood gathering. Do you know what I mean?" I concluded, thinking about all our wood shortages on cold, cloudless nights whenever Katara gathered firewood. True, I could have told her something myself, but knowing how defensive she tends to get and considering the campsite we're all at tonight, I wouldn't like to be the one to put her in a sour mood. Aang soon laughs wholeheartedly at this.

"Then why didn't you go with her?" I gesture to look behind him and notice the sunset near the canyons.

"Oh, I get it," Aang exclaimed cheerfully. "You don't want Katara knocking you down a cliff tonight by accident, huh?"

"Yes," I soon laughed after I heard Aang say that. "I like the idea of living, Aang. In case you forgot."

"I haven't," Aang said.

"I also wanted to play my flute out here, as well," I confessed slowly.

"Really?" Aang asked as he and I stopped walking.

"Well, yeah. How could I not? Especially seeing a view like that," I explained, pointing towards the canyon view on my left side, where we both could see the sunset facing the immense desert-like canyon, giving me the impression that the sun was resting on one of the many canyon cliffs.

"Great view," Aang said.

"It is," I agreed, placing the stuff down while gazing at the canyon. "If you play the flute loud enough, you could hear it echo across the canyon. Almost like someone is mimicking you off in the distance," I explained.

"Why not try it right now, Sparky?" Aang asked, placing the food on a nearby log.

"Shouldn't we take this stuff back to camp first?" I asked.

"You brought your flute out here for a reason, right?" Aang asked.

Well, yeah, but-"

"Then play it. I'm sure Katara and Sokka could wait a few more minutes." After a brief debate, I eventually 'caved' in.

"Alright, if you insist, Airhead," I joked.

" I don't think I'll ever get tired of hearing you play, Y/N. " Aang complemented, almost in a whisper. He looked at me like I had just performed a lullaby to Canyon Spirit itself.

"Thanks, Aang," I said with a slight grin now appearing on my face.

Now that I think about it, we're nearing a canyon known as the Great Divide." Aang admitted.

I was intrigued and asked Aang, "Why is it called the Great Divide?"

It's one of the largest Canyons in the world." Aang explained. Trust me, Once you see it for yourself, Y/N. You might think the canyon goes on 'forever."

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