Our escape & journey.*

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N/A: This chapter almost got split into two parts. Original word count 4,043 Re-edited version 5,399
Jesus Christ. Enjoy

Katara Pov

It's only been an hour since those Fire nation soldiers attacked the village. Taking Aang, and Y/N, prisoners aboard their ship. Everyone is still shaken up about it; some of the mothers even begin to recollect about the attack that happened a few years ago.

I found myself alone, standing near the cracked ice, where the ship once docked itself, just on the outskirts of the village. I needed to clear my head. I just didn't want to think about that 'day'.

I don't know what is more surprising. The fact that me, Sokka and.....Y/N. Finally discovered the avatar, after one hundred years, just yesterday or that I just found out that my own best friend; who I've practically known my whole life; is actually the 'prophecies' lighting bender.

This leaves me with so many questions, but before I get ahead of myself. I first need to convince Sokka to help me save them. Whether he likes it or not, the world needs Its Avatar, and maybe even the lighting bender, as well.

I'm pulled out of my thoughts as I hear footsteps behind me, and sure enough, it was Sokka. Perfect timing. So, without looking at him. I finally decided to tell him about my plan. Even if he thinks it's a bad idea. I won't give up until he agrees.

"Sokka! We have to go after that ship!" I announced.

"Uh, Katara?"

"Just hear me out, Sokka." speaking out once more. Determined to get my words through his 'thick' skull. "I know you don't trust Aang, but he's on our side."

"Katara?!" He's getting aggravated. Maybe I should try a different approach. I thought to myself.

" Sokka. If you won't do it for Aang, can you at least do it for Y/N? After all, he's like a brother to you and surely-

"Katara!? Just stop, and turn yourself around!" Sokka shouted.

I stopped my rambling once I heard that. Only to see that Sokka had already been a step ahead of me. As I see that he already readied up a canoe for us, and it looked like he even packed up sleeping bags, some clothes, and of course, his weapons. He even brought Y/N things, like his sword, that he dropped during the fight, blade sharpening tools, and even his flute.

" Are you going to talk all day or are you coming with me?" Without a word. I found myself embracing my brother.

"You're the best, Sokka," I said in sheer joy.

" I know. No need to get all 'mushy' on me, Katara." I slowly pulled myself away.

"Now, come on. Let's go save our friend and your boyfriend."

"What? Aang is not my boyfriend?!" I exclaimed. Surprised that he would ever think that.

"Good...At least I know I don't have to murder Aang. Anytime soon." Sokka looked pleased after he said that.

"What?!" I said surprised. "Sokka we have other things to worry about, then-"

"What are you two doing?"

"Gran-Gran!?" Sokka and I screamed out in utter shock, and worry. As the two of us swiftly turned around to finally see Gran-Gran, now standing right behind us somehow; but that all quickly went away, as she held out satchel in front of us. Which was honestly, unexpected.

"You two have a long journey ahead of you." Gran-Gran spoke. "Especially Y/N, knowing what he is. I can't even begin to imagine how hard it must have been on him trying to hide a secret like this from all of us."

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