The Greatest Lies Ever Told*

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N/A: The Kyoshi books somewhat inspired the first part of the chapter. Don't ask how.

" Katara?, Katara? Kat?" Y/N called out. He looked utterly flustered over that he had just woken up to find Katara sleeping peacefully on his chest. At first, he tried to move her off of his chest gently. Only to stop himself as Katara's hands gripped themselves even tighter on his sides.

"Katara. Wake up." Y/N tried again, but it was only a little louder this time. Once again, he received nothing but only a slight stir from Katara.

"Kat!?" Y/N nearly yelled out again, near her ear this time. Which thankfully seems to be enough to get a response from her.

"What do you want, Y/N?" Katara asked in a groggy tone, with her eyes still closed. "It's too early to get up."

"I have to go to the bathroom." Y/N finally admitted embarrassingly.

"Then go." Katara Croaked, not daring her eyes to open.

"Can you let go of me then, please?!" Hearing that caught Katara's attention. She began to raise her head, staring directly at totally red Y/N in utter confusion.

"Morning sleeping beauty," Y/N said sarcastically. Katara shrieked in surprise before quickly moving herself off and away from Y/N.

"Wow! I never took you as a heavy sleeper."
Y/ N said. He now found himself staring at a now completely flustered Katara.

"How did I? When did I? How long have you been-"

"Relax, Katara. You must have moved in your sleep or something. Y/N casually explained to a baffled Katara.

"How long have you -"

"Only a few minutes," Y/N answered her. He was slowly sitting himself up.

"But why?"

"Look, we'll discuss this after I use the bathroom." Before Katara could respond, Y/N quickly ran out of the tent.

"I thought one of the Gon Jin's just gave me a warm pillow," Katara whispered as her cheeks turned a slight red.


Y/N Pov:

" You're sure you were only awake for a few minutes?" I let out a small sigh. We are both together behind the Gon Jin tribe, continuing our way out of the canyon.

" For the fourth and last time, Katara. Yes. The moment I woke up this morning. You were all 'cozy-like, dreaming whatever you like to dream about."

"Are you sure?" Katara asked, much to my annoyance.

"Yes. I'm very certain of it. I didn't move you or anything." Katara still appeared a bit skeptical. 

"At least you didn't say anything too crazy in your sleep." I teased.

"Wait, I was talking in sleep?" Katara asked me, surprised. To which I only nodded in response.

" Morning, guys," Aang said as Katara and I soon near the end of the paths that separate the two clans from each other in the canyon.

" Good Morning, Aang. Do you sleep well?" Katara asked. She was quickly regaining her composer as if nothing happened.

"If you count sleeping on hard rocks with nothing but the clothes on my back. While waiting for my friend to return, after he was only supposed to check on his friends, is sleeping well? Then yeah. I did."

" I am so sorry, Aang! " I said. I felt guilty after realizing I was supposed to meet up with Aang last night.

"It's fine. It's just, what happened to you last night?" Aang asked me. Before I even had a chance to say anything. Katara decided to intervene.

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