A Water Bending and a Lighting Scroll?

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"you know, I used to look up to pirates, but those guys were the worst," Aang said to the others, as they all sat around back in the forest, catching their breaths; after barely escaping those pirates.

" I find that really hard to believe Aang." Sokka said.


"you're a monk and well, pirates are-"

"Nothing but trouble. Always have been, always will be."

" Why do hate pirate so much anyway Y/N?" Aang asked. As he heard the bitterness in Y/N tone once again.

"A group of pirates tried to rob our village, but our dad's and the other's stopped them." Sokka explained.


"Yeah, apparently they assume we had some valuables worth taking, and since we didn't have any water Bender in our village at the time, they thought we wouldn't put up a fight." Y/N explained.

"How long ago was this?"

"seventeen years ago Aang." Katara answered quietly. As if, she did not want to talk about it anymore. It only took Aang a moment or so, process, of what he was told.

"Wow. If I had known that. I never would have listened to that guy, and went inside they're ship."

Y/N:" it's okay Aang. Those pirate, they appear to be just as bad as those Pirates Hakoda, once described."

Sokka:" I still don't understand why they even came after us."

Aang:" Yeah. I'm still stumped on that too."

"I think I might know guys?" Katara said with a smile appearing on her face. Just before anyone could ask her what she meant by this. Katara swiftly dug through her pocket, only to then pulled out a water bending scroll.

" You took their water bending scroll?" Y/N said clearly surprised, as he and the others realized what Katara had done.

Katara:" Sure did."

"no wonder those guys try to hack us up Sokka said angrily. "You stole their water bending scroll!"

Katara:" I wouldn't consider it 'stolen' Sokka. I like to think that I was 'given' it through, 'honest' opportunities."

"Hey, I see what you did there. Good one Katara." Aang said as laughed at her joke.

"that was really risky back there Katara." Y/N said with a serious look on his face. "You pretty much put all our lives in danger, with what you just did."

Katara:" Y/N?"

"not bad Kat." Y/N added with a laugh as well. Not bad."

Sokka:" of course you would take her side."

Katara:" Sokka, where do you think they got it from? They obviously stole it from a Water Bender."

Sokka:" That doesn't matter. You put all of our lives at risk just so could learn some stupid, fancy splashes!"

Katara:" These are real water bending forms."

Y/N: " And would rather pay five hundred gold pieces for something that clearly wasn't there's, to begin with, either Sokka?"

Katara:" Exactly, and besides. You know how crucial it is for Aang to learn water bending."

Sokka remains quiet for a moment after hearing that, as he knew that they had a point, but instead of admitting it. He instead chose to remain annoyed with them. " Whatever guys. You already have the scroll anyway. So, no point in arguing about it now!" Sokka spoke, before he quickly got himself up, getting away from the others.

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