No benders allowed

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After an hour or so, we all did eventually make it to the village where that guy, must've run off towards. Currently, Sokka and I are standing right in front of the fish market, where I'm trying to prove, on what I saw in the lake.

Y/N:" I don't suppose you came across any lionfish that seem to be smiling at you, would you? "

Fishermen:" why do you ask, hmm? "

Y/N: "Well, because -"

Sokka:" you see, my friend here "claims" to have seen some lionfish near a lake earlier smiling at him, when he went out fishing. "

The guy doesn't say anything, so Sokka assumed he was right.

Sokka:" Ha, crazy right? I knew it! " I was started to get annoyed until the guy spoke.

Fishermen:" Actually, he's not. "

Sokka:" what?! "

Y/N:" HA, see I told you I wasn't over exaggerating! Thank you, good sir! Yes! " I said, feeling very relieved and happy that I was right.

Fishermen:" You know, because of the fish that inhabit the lake. The people around here actually started to call the lake, the Ebisu lake. After the spirit of laughter. " we stared at the man surprised, after hearing that.

Sokka & Y/N:" really? "

Fishermen:" Yes really." the man soon began to chuckle for a bit before he continued. "Those are some crafty lionfish, I'll tell you that much."

Y/N:" You have no idea. " I then started to scratch the back of my H/C, remembering my little experience with them.

Fishermen:" take my advice kids, if you ever want to be able to catch those fish. You have to be patient and predict their movements. Otherwise, if you not. Well, you might as well blow up the lake. "

The guy soon started to laugh after he said that. Not realizing I was starting to get a little nervous as I remembered what I did to the lake.

Y/N:" Oh, right?! Blow up the lake, that funny."   I soon began to laugh a little, as if the guy's joke was indeed funny. Only to then have Sokka whisper something in my ear.

Sokka:" you better hope that lake wasn't some sacred spiritual grounds shocker. "

Y/N:" shut up ponytail!" I whispered back to him angrily.

Aang:" Hey guys, check out my new hat! "

Y/N:" It was great talking to you, uh sir! Oh look Sokka, Aang got a new hat! " before Sokka had a chance to say anything I quickly dragged Sokka towards Aang.

Sokka: "I wasn't going to tell him about what happened at the lake! " I scoffed at him not really believing him.

Y/N:" Sure you weren't. Hey Aang, nice hat. where'd you get it!?" I said really quickly hoping to forget about that whole lake incident.

Aang:" I traded my nuts with that guy over there. What do you guys think? "

Y/N:" like I said, it nice. " Sokka then started to put his hand on his chin, taking a closer look at Aang new hat.

Sokka:" yeah, not bad,  looks like an easy way to hide your bald head from the fire nation." Aang starts to laugh at what Sokka said, before agreeing with him.

Aang:" yeah, I guess you can say that." he started to laugh a little more until we all heard Katara.

Katara:" Hey guys look, it's that kid we saw from earlier. " we all then turn around to see what Katara is talking about. To then see the guy we saw in the woods earlier, walking inside a house

Katara x male reader A Duo's destiny ATLA Where stories live. Discover now