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N/A: It feels good to be back.


"Don't take this personally, Y/N. We're just stopping the Fire Nation's ultimate weapon." Jet

It feels like a curse to be a part of Rajiin's legatee. I thought as I found myself lying in a sturdy wooden coffin, buried eight feet underground. Thick woven ropes bound my arms, fingers, and legs, and I couldn't move. What's worse is that my head still stung like a fox monkey attacked me. Which I know can be pretty harmless upon first glance, but if some poor fool found themself near its territory. Well, let's say they can be pretty vicious.

Just like people once they discover my connection to Raijin and the Fire nation's beliefs about me."

Then again, considering my past encounters these past few months with various people who were not scared of sharing how they felt about me, I should have seen this ambush coming a mile away.

"I mean, for crying out loud, Y/N. You heard Jet's screams about the fire nation!"

"We're at war with these vermin and will do whatever it takes to defeat them."

Yet, I still choose to listen and follow him into my grave. I let out a slow breath, as I didn't want to waste any air than I already had, begging, if not pleading, to Jet not to bury me alive, and before you ask, all it took was a simple needle to take away my bending again.

At least, that is what Jet told me as I slowly came to my senses. Now granted, there was high portability that he was lying. He was, but  I didn't find that out until after he and the other two buried me in this wooden box, considering how he had me at a massive disadvantage being tied up and recalling how he almost beat someone to death. I knew it was the better option to heed Jet at his word.

"I wouldn't move if I were you, Y/N." I heard Jet say they must have realized I was awake and trying to figure out a way out of my bindings. "Twitchy over here has been begging me to let him split your skull in two. We wouldn't want that yet, now would we?"

If there was one thing I had to give Jet credit for, he certainly had a way of claiming he understood people and got them into believing in him.

Like his group, Jet had also charmed Aang, Katara, and Sokka to some extent, and in some way, he had me fooled as well.

Anyway, after Katara and I argued about Jet's methods of handling the Fire Nation. I soon found myself walking with Jet into the forest soon after.

No matter how hard I try, I still can't remember the lie behind our walk into the forest. Yet, I remembered how Jet began to recall tales of how his father taught him how to use the hook swords he wielded at age six, claiming that his father was once a soldier and wielding said weapon.

This conversation between us prompted Jet to confide in me that the lessons his father shared that came with learning about his weapons were sometimes daunting but necessary. Seeing as how these weapons are all I have left of him and my mother.

I couldn't help but agree with that. Since I, too, had a weapon that belonged to someone I once and still have some respect for.

I told Jet as much. I even went so far as to admit that I never asked to be born into a world at war. A war that deemed me as a monster created by my father's past secret affiliation to an enemy nation.

"So, your father is from the Fire Nation, and you never knew?" Jet asked me.

"No, I didn't until a few weeks ago when I met one of his friends named Zhao," I told him.

"This changes things." Jet and I stopped walking after he said that, and soon before I could ask him what he meant by that, everything around me swiftly went dark.

"Why Jet?" I asked him. " You know I'm against the Fire Nation just as much as you are."

"I understand that, Y/N," Jet said, "but you are still the Fire Nation's most valuable asset, and I'm simply doing what must done, unlike the Avatar."

"You think I wanted this curse, Jet!" I yelled out, reaching a breaking point within myself. " No, because you can also thank my father for that, the once prideful assassin who once served the main vermin, the Firelord himself, and I have to live with that!" Jet and his friends just stared at me after I said that.

"You and your crew aren't the only ones that suffered by the fire nation, Jet," I said.

"Unlike the other vermin, my freedom fighters and I have taken down," Jet said, kneeling beside me. "I'm giving you a choice, Y/N,"

"What choice?" I asked him.

"I either let Twitchy beat you over the head with his club, or you let us bury you eight feet deep in this wooden coffin alive."

Jet's out of his mind, I thought to myself, as Jet continued to elaborate on his lunacy.

"Your oxygen will slowly deplete within an hour or two, forcing you to sleep forever." Jet said, adding, "And if it makes you feel any better, I'll even throw your dad's sword on your coffin so he won't be furious at you for losing it."

"Jet is the definition of insanity." I thought to myself before I heard Jet ask me an undeniable question.

"So what's it going to be, Y/N?" Jet asked me.

You know, as I lay in my confined wooden coffin and contemplated on everything that I endured when it came to others finding out my ties to the Fire Nation. I learned a few essential things about people.

Everyone is ready to despise a person once they discover his origins, and I should thank the pirates for finally convincing me to hide my daggers in my shoes. I'll need to try to drag my boots toward my hands to cut the rope and punch and dig myself out of this hole.

"Spirits, I know this will be eight feet of messiness, but If you help me survive this. I will be even less nice to Zuko and his cronies because I need someone to hate."

N/A: This chapter has been stumbling me for about two years. Talk about a significant author's brain teases. But in all seriousness, no matter how many times I rework it, I still see it as one of my weakest chapters in this story. Let's hope inner turmoil makes up for it.

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