Words Of Courage

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Katara POV

Nothing was said throughout our whole boat ride to the prison, it was just complete silences. Heck, I even ended up seeing more people boarding the ship with us. Ranging from men, women, old and sick alike. All of them here, because they were Earth Benders; with the guards keeping a watchful eye on us. So, as to avoid any, and all possible conflict. Y/N and I both decided to keep our head down. We even tried to hide our emotions as well. At least until we reached the supposed isolated prison.

I'd be lying if I told myself,  traveling to a fire nation prison wouldn't be as nerve-wracking. It most certainly was. From having to wear this prison uniform, to also having to see even more Earth benders being taken from their homes to the same place no less. But, there was one other thing that bothered me most of all. It was that sinking feeling of dread, hopelessness and maybe despair, I felt on this ship. Even with
Y/N here, I just couldn't shake that feeling away.

I know only did this to find Haru, but yet. I also felt compelled to try, and figure out a way to help these people, as well.

"Katara?... look." I heard Y/N whispered to me. I do so, and that when I see the so-called prison.

Just by seeing this tall massive prison alone, still somehow sent chills down my spine

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Just by seeing this tall massive prison alone, still somehow sent chills down my spine. Even though I knew wouldn't be here for long. I quickly turned my head away facing the ground again. As I took another long deep breath to calm my nerves. And it seemed like Y/N took notice.

Y/N:"Will be okay Katara." Y/N whispered.

Katara:" I know,thanks. " I said sincerely, before adding. "here goes nothing. "

Y/N:" yeah. "


Once we reached the prison, we were all told to stand on the docks beside each other, with Y/N right next to me, on my right.  Who gave me a quick glance, before he looked down again. I quickly do the same. As the warden soon came to the docks, to 'greet' us. Who by the way, looked delighted. As he now stood in front of us, introducing himself.

" Earth Benders. It is my greatest pleasure in welcoming you all, to my 'modest' shipyard.  I am Dōmu, your warden. " The warden stops speaking for a moment. I quickly look up and I soon notice that he was now, looking at all of us one by one. As if he had something big planned, for all of us. His eye's soon landed on us, forcing Y/N and I  to quickly look down again. After another moment or so, he soon continued to speak again; about being this 'humbled and caring host'.

Dōmu:" you all will succeed here if you all abide by- "

Yet, he couldn't. As we all soon heard someone start coughing. It was that old man, who was coughing earlier on the ship ride over here. Despite the old man best efforts to control his cough, the Warden was not having it. As he took that as I sign of disrespect and sent a large flame of fire, below the poor man's feet. Which actually caught me by surprise.

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