Inside the Raging Canyon *

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N/A: Before anyone gets any ideas The Great Divide episode was done last year. When I was still going through my writer's block

That being said enjoy


I found myself walking alongside Aang and the Earth Bender, who I eventually learned that his name was Jian, down a path into the Canyon. After Aang offered Zhang and Gon Jin the opportunity to have Appa fly their sick and older people across the canyon, appease the two feuding tribes into traveling together with the Earth Bender through the canyon of the Great Divide.

"Wow, nice Bending," Aang complimented. We both saw Jian quickly create a bridge, giving us a path to cross.

"The Job is more than just bending kid," Jian said. "Folks also want information. Many of you are probably wondering how Cantons are formed. Experts say that Earth Spirits carved these into the ground, who were angry at local farmers for not offering them a proper sacrifice." Just as Jian finished his explanation.

We all then saw an avalanche of rocks heading towards us, which made us all panic on instinct, only to be saved by Jian himself.

"Guess the spirits are still angry. I hope you all brought 'sacrifices'". Jian spoke wholeheartedly and with a laugh as he continued on his way. As if nothing happened.

"I think this guy has a few 'screws' loose," I whispered to Aang.

"I wouldn't doubt that, Y/N," Katara said, walking beside me, carrying Momo in her arms.

"Let's keep moving before anything else happens," Sokka said, to which the three of us nodded in agreement. Thankfully, there were no 'surprised' incidents after that. We all eventually made it further inside the canyon.

" Okay. Everyone stand clear of the wall." The guide warned. He sent a boulder straight up the wall, destroying the bridge he had created and leaving a trail of a large dust cloud in front of us.

"Why did you do that?" Aang asked.

"To stop anyone from following us, Aang," I answered.

"He's right," Jian said. "These people are fleeing the Fire Nation after all, right? I have to make sure we can't be followed. We all should be safe now."

Oh, how wrong he was because soon after, Jian said that. He was instantly grabbed by a four-legged creature out of nowhere, catching us all by surprise. The beast itself must be at least twenty feet tall. Either Karma must've finally caught up with Jian, or maybe we might've had something to do with this creature being here.

"We have to help him!" Sokka shouted as he was the first to react by quickly throwing his boomerang at the creature's face. It seemed enough for the beast to let go of Jian. However, it soon turned its attention to Sokka.

"Okay! Somebody, help me!" Sokka screamed as Katara and I quickly ran toward his aid. Katara then gathered some water out of her pouch, quickly water-whipping the creature to get its attention. It looked like it was about to attack her, but I quickly shot out a bolt of lightning directly at its face, knocking it away on the mountain wall and quickly landing face-first on the rocky ground.

"I think that did it," I called out, seeing it lying 'still' on the ground, but I was wrong. It slowly stood upright shortly afterward, looking even angrier than before.

"That's not good," I muttered. Katara and I now stood at least twenty feet away from that thing, only to see Aang jump in front of us, quickly using his staff to create a massive whirlwind, trapping the creature for a few seconds. Only to see him throw it across the canyon walls.

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