The boy in the iceberg*

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Re-edit vision 1/19/2022. Enjoy—new and old readers.

Y/N pov:

"Ahh. The first catch of the day. Watch and learn, Katara. This is how you catch a fish. Oh, and Y/N, prepare to be humiliated by yours truly." Sokka taunts, soon spotting a single fish coming in his direction.

"It's only the first fish, Sokka. Don't get ahead of yourself." I said casually. Spear in hand. I looked around the icy waters on the other side of the canoe, hoping to spot a fish of my own.

"You're only saying that because you know you're going to lose, dude," Sokka added arrogantly, not taking his eyes off the approaching fish.

"You're aiming suck and gonna miss, dude." I countered jokingly.

"No, it doesn't," Sokka said.

"Yes, it does."

"Shut up, Y/N."

"So, this is how you guys act when I'm not around?" Katara asked us, Sitting in the canoe's back, sounding completely bored.

"We have our days, Kat." I reasoned, now looking at her.

"Oh, I'm sure you guys do," Katara exclaimed, unconvinced.

"Pipe down, Katara. Can't you see the 'men' here are busy?" Sokka said. He was shaking his head in disbelief. "Woman. Am I right, Y/N?"

"That a bit uncalled for, Sok-"

"Don't worry about it, Y/N," Katara said. Sounding aggravated as I saw her look back at the water.

"Yup. It's going to be another dull day in the South Pole." I thought broadly, leaning on my spear. Gazing off at the open blue waters of the South Pole's ocean.

"Guy's, look. I caught one!" Katara announced. I turned around to see that she had a fish in a water- bubble, using her water bending.

"Uh, Sokka? You gotta see this." I told him.

"Quiet, you two. I'm trying to focus here." Sokka whispered, maintaining all his focus on the fish.

"Do you think you can catch it for me, Y/N?" Katara asked me.

"I got it, Katara," I told her, reading my spear. She slowly shifts the fish towards me; however, before I could lunge my spear. Sokka unknowingly knocked the fish out of the bubble back into the water.

"Katara, seriously!?" Sokka yelled. Leaving Katara confused.

"What?" Katara asked

"Ahh, Spirits. If only I had been a bit faster." I thought to myself.

"You just had to pick today of all days to play with your magic, didn't you?" Sokka accused.

"It's not magic. It's water bending!" She corrected, "It's an Ancient form of our-"

"It's an ancient lost technique of, blah blah blah. I already know." Sokka interjected, "You've said that to us a million times already." I had to do something because it looked like Katara was on the brink of reaching her breaking point with Sokka.

"You know, Sokka. If you had just seen what she was doing. You probably would have been impressed.

"Don't encourage her, Y/N. It's not healthy to give my sister any crazy ideas.

"What is that supposed to mean!?" Katara asked Irritable.

"Come on, Sokka?" I thought to myself.

"I'm just saying!" Sokka yelled. "In case you haven't noticed, Katara.Y/N, and I, 're in the middle of a friendly challenge. Which, you ruined, by trying out your little magic trick just now."

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