Bee happy were going to omashu

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NA:remember when I asked you guys a question sometime ago about the mini comics ? Well enjoy

Also I just had someone make some adjustment to this chapter you'll see when you guys read it

It been two days since our little encounter with Zuko and his little gang of fire benders. Two days since katara saw me & sokka wearing those "nice dresses"as she would put it.
Despite my best efforts to explain on why we had to wear them. She would always try to find a reason to tease us about it,even going so far as to tell me. I looked like the little sister she always wanted. Despite me being a year older than her.

Currently we were all taking a bit of a pit stop somewhere in the woods,still near earth kingdom territory. Where all of us decided that this was a good place to take care of our "business"for the time being. However despite this area still being earth kingdom. We did however spot a few fire nation camps nearby. At least few miles east from us,in these woods.  An chances are,they most likely spotted Appa flying.

So in other words,we all better get going soon or we might have some company. Unless word hasn't spread out this far,about the Avatar returning.

I'm currently with katara waiting for sokka and Aang to come back,with Appa right behind us and momo flying around the trees, keeping himself occupied. Now even though I usually don't mind katara company, right now I'm really hoping that sokka or aang come back.


Y/N:Yes,I'm very serious.

I then see her start to look at me questionable, After she heard what I just said.

Katara:....I mean how can you still not like fried pickled radishes or pickles in general?

Y/N:I just have a bad history with pickles that all katara. I shrugged my shoulders after I gave her my reasoning.

I'm not sure how this conversation started. It went from me and katara wondering what Aang wanted to tells us when he got back. To
something about us taking a detour somewhere else again,like we did when we all went to Kyoshi Island. Even though we're all suppose to be going to the North Pole, to help Aang find a water bending teacher.

To us then both telling each other of our personal craving of food. For me it was baked fish seaweed stew. As for katara she was actually craving fried pickles radish. To which I responded by acting as if I was about to throw up, any moment now. Which was probably a bad idea.

Katara:an what sorta of bad experience did you have against,...wait a minute!?

Y/N:spirits please, don't tell me she remembers!?

Katara:are you talking about that one time you threw up....

Y/N:aww man!


I said very quickly as I didn't want to hear her bring up a awkward memory,but it seemed like the spirits weren't on my side today.

katara:really!?,that was twelve years ago N/N. (Chuckles).....You really got to let that go.

Y/N:can't you just let drop it please. I begged katara. Hoping she would just end it right their but then again,life doesn't work like that.

Katara:So what if threw up on your dad,it wasn't your fault.

Despite what she saying that most likely true,I actually remembered it differently. Even though I really didn't want to talk about it.

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