Secrets revealed

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The next day


you know, I've just learned something today. An that is, I should've let Aang sleep on the bed last night. That because, despite three out of four of us sleeping comfortably on the beds. It felt as though me, sokka, and katara all got earth bend upside down off them, and onto the first floor, into some hallway, with three guards standing behind us. Did I mention our cell or room was on the second floor.

Guard:" get up, the king is expecting you three." He said in sternly to us.

Sokka:" Seriously?, is this really how you guys wake up your prisoner. Flipping us off the beds and into another room!?" Sokka said annoyed and in pain. As we all slowly get up off the ground. An I started to stretch a little before I answered sokka.

Y/N: " Should that, really surprise you Sokka?

Sokka:" Maybe a little? It just that, well I was having a very great dream about-"

Katara:" guys, where's Aang?" Before any of us could answer. One of the guards spoke.

Guard:" The Avatar is already speaking with the king. we were given orders to escort you to them. Now then, follow us." He said nothing after that. An he soon started to walk ahead of us, leading us to Aang. With the other two walking behind us.

Y/N:" you two okay? "

Katara:" yeah, I'm fine. It just, not how expected this day to start off if I'm being completely honest here."

Sokka:" I'll say, I mean come on. I was having such a great dream about eating baked seal beluga meat! He said sounding annoyed, Only to then see Katara and I just staring at him.

Sokka:" what? "

Y/N:" umm, You know it been a while since we've had that, right? "

Sokka:" Yeah, I know, not since dad and others left, that 's why I was dreaming about it."

Katara:" oh, right,... not since dad left." Katara said sounding somewhat depressed before she then turns her head behind us. Starring at the guards for a moment, only to look back at me.

Katara:" anyway, why do you think this King decided to split us up and away from Aang? In fact, why do we even need escorts? Like honestly do they think we're all going to escape or something? "

Y/N:" maybe, who knows." I then take a moment to look around the hall myself before I continued. "but I'm pretty sure will find out soon."

Nothing else was said after that as we continued to follow the guard in front of us. An after a few more minutes or so, we all soon stopped at a dead end, or at least that what I thought. Until I started to hear what sounded like Aang yelling on the other side of the wall.

Aang:" give me my friends back, we're leaving!"

King: " Oh, I thought you might refuse-"

I couldn't really hear what else was being said, as one of the guards then earth bend the wall out of the way. Where we all see Aang standing right in front of the king. I was going to say something but couldn't as I soon felt one of the guards grabbing my hand. Who then puts a red rock like, ring on my finger.

King:" those delightful rings are made of pure Jennamite. Also known as creeping crystal, which can grow remarkably fast.  And by nightfall, they'll be completely covered in it."

As he was explaining all of this, I soon began to panic at the idea of being covered in crystal. An it seems katara and sokka also thought the same thing. As they also tried to pull them off but couldn't. As it felt like someone had a death grip on our fingers. What even worse though, not even a moment after the guards put the Jennamite rings on us, did it soon started creeping. Hell it even freaked out sokka the most.

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