The freedom fighters

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It's been two days since that 'little' encounter with Zuko and those pirates and for those past two days. It's been relevantly calm, with the occasional sightings of Fire Nation outpost, which we always try avoiding. The one time we couldn't, I actually saw a wanted poster of Aang in one of the outposts. It was pretty funny, especially with what they wrote on it.

The fugitive is an Airbender who can create massive whirlwinds and flee like the wind. It's a bit of an exaggeration, but it's spot on, at least according to Aang. He says he decided to keep one for the 'history' books. You know, now that I think about it. I'm curious to see what the Fire Nation would write about me. If I'm honest, I wouldn't mind keeping a wanted poster of myself.

Anyway, for those 'calming' two days. I also had a lot of time to think about things I hadn't told the others yet; it was mostly the library vision. How would I even explain that to them, to begin with? I did get hit with a dart, after all. So, for all I know, to them, it could have all been a hallucination in my head.

I looked into The Essence of Shinto book one night when everyone else went to sleep to get more information about Wong Shi Tong or maybe even something about this library. It wasn't much. It was just a drawing of the Spirit himself and the library, which seems pretty massive from what was drawn, as well as other things that I already knew, except for his so-called knowledge seekers, who gather and store the knowledge in his library. But there were no maps or the exact location of the place written in the book. I mean, even if I did know where it was. I couldn't just grab India's scrolls right there and then without offering the Owl Spirit unknown knowledge, at least.

That in itself sounded impossible. After all, the owl claimed to know a 'thousand' things. Then there's also the fact that I'm nowhere near the Wong Shi desert, and I wouldn't want to waste my friend's time in some desert wasteland hoping to find some library so that I could gain a general understanding of my abilities. For all I know, the library itself might not even be actual.

I eventually told them about the pirate captain, knowing my father, though, and how he was a part of the crew that attempted to steal from our village. And, of course, as expected, Sokka and Katara were just as surprised as I was. Which only seems to raise more questions for the three of us. Sokka even mentions how he was even more astonished that our village not only allowed my father to stay and seek refuge among them but also how Bato could ever allow him to marry my mother since my mother was his sister. I'm sure my father told them who he indeed was, right?

"Hey, guys. Where's Momo?" Aang asked as he just noticed the little guy was nowhere to be seen.  When we just about packed up all of our stuff on Appa.

Before we could answer, we soon heard an animal-like shriek that sounded like Momo off in the distance in the deep red forest. We soon ran toward where the shrieking was coming from; sure enough, it was Momo. Who was now caught in some trap, along with other animals, high up in the tall red trees? Wasting no time, Aang immediately jumps up on the tree, bending his air to untie and lower the metal trap down to us, finally freeing Momo.

"That wasn't so bad."

"Uhh, Aang?" I called out. Pointing towards the other animals that were also caged up in the trees.

"Oh, right. I guess they want out, too, huh?" Just as Aang was about to make his way toward the other caged animals slowly. Sokka seems to have grown impatient and soon throws his boomerang, hitting all the ropes and knocking down all the cages on the ground where the three of us ran towards them, freeing them as well.

"Good thinking, Sokka." Aang complimented as he came back down.

"What's wrong, Sokka?" I asked as I saw him examining the animal traps.

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